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Neanderthal Medicine
August 9, 2012Researchers have provided the first molecular evidence that Neanderthals not only ate a range of cooked plant foods, but also understood its nutritional and medicinal qualities. Oetzi, he prehistoric "iceman" (who was not a Neanderthal), carried mushrooms with him, which... continued
Mars Curiosity Validated
August 9, 2012If the Mars rover Curiosity finds carbon-based molecules in the Martian soil, researcher Gilbert Levin will feel vindicated, since he promulgated the theory that life on Earth was seeded by an asteroid from Mars 36 years ago. A Titan/Centaur vehicle was... continued
Dead Seals–An Ominous Sign?
August 8, 2012The flu can jump from animals to humans. A new strain of flu has emerged four times in the past 100 years. The one that emerged in 1918 killed 50 million people, which is why scientists watch these new flu... continued
They’re Singing Again
August 8, 2012When oceanographer listened to the audio picked up by a recording device that spent a year in the icy waters off the east coast of Greenland, she was stunned at what she heard: whales singing a remarkable variety of songs... continued
Why You Do–or Do Not–Think Climate Change is Real
August 8, 2012It's not just your furniture that effects your beliefs--when it comes to climate change, it's the weather where YOU are, so people who live in places where the climate is good tend to deny this reality, while those living in... continued
Time to Get Dirty
August 8, 2012We have a problem: We're just too clean! The rise in allergies and autoimmune diseases during the past few decades may be at least partly due to our lack of exposure to the microorganisms in dirt. We once walked barefoot... continued
Why Olympic Athletes are Positive Thinkers
August 7, 2012Exercise seems to be a "cure" for certain kinds of depression, and so along with a dose of fish oil, you may be able to throw away your pills. And while some people "work up an appetite" when they exercise,... continued
August 7, 2012Instead of burying it or hoping our oceans will absorb it, why don't we just grab all that carbon dioxide out of the air? A group of researchers think that a CO2 removal unit the size of an ocean shipping... continued
Why We Have Curiosity About Mars
August 7, 2012The new Mars rover was named Curiosity because it hopes to answer one of the greatest questions of modern man: Are we really Martians? A few billion years ago, Mars may have been a planet covered with oceans. We're not... continued
Our Olympic Athletes Should Go Bananas
August 6, 2012Athletes: Forget the Human Growth Hormone--go BANANAS. In the past, we've told you that chocolate milk is a better energy builder for athletes than the sports drinks they imbibe. But now we've learned that they need to FRUIT UP! Bananas... continued