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Curiosity Lands on Mars
August 6, 2012The Curiosity lander has successfully reached the surface of Mars and appears to be intact. Images began appearing at 10:40 PM PDT. Curiosity is the most complex automated space mission every attempted by mankind. The craft's descent-stage retrorockets fired as... continued
New Cure: Zap the Brain
August 3, 2012Drug research is changing: instead of pills, researchers are concentrating on "bioelectronics" that "zap" the brain into healing the body through electronic signaling. A lot this has to do with implants (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Neurological... continued
Climate Skeptic Recants
August 3, 2012Sometimes you think you know what's going on, but then discover that reality is completely different. Dr. Richard Mueller, who has been supported by the conservative Koch Brothers on climate change denial, has just announced that he has ceased to... continued
Spy Drones Can Follow You Forever
August 3, 2012The silent drone that may be tracking you can stay on the job forever. It's like a permanent closed circuit camera, except it's not mounted in the local liquor store but it's following you around. Is there any way to... continued
Learn the Secret of Orenda
August 2, 2012You may think you've read everything that Whitley Strieber has written, but you HAVEN'T, because his beautiful novel The Secret of Orenda, a thriller about a lost Indian tribe that remembers the secrets of the past, has never been published--until... continued
Cheer Up!
August 2, 2012Do you dread tomorrow? There are lots of things we can ingest can to cheer us up, and one of these is vitamin D. New research shows that the link between low levels of vitamin D (which we get mainly... continued
Chimp Gestures
August 2, 2012Biologists have discovered that wild chimpanzees communicate using similar gestures to humans (do they give researchers "the finger?") This will give linguists a clue as to how language evolved among humans. Researcher Anna Roberts has identified 20 to 30 manual... continued
Asteroid Hunting
August 2, 2012Asteroid impacts are rare, but they can cause incredible harm (look what one did to the dinosaurs!). In 1908, one of them flattened 800 square miles in the Russian countryside. What would have happened if it had hit a major... continued
Think You Know About Aurora Massacre? You Don’t!
August 2, 2012In a dynamic new Insight, Jerry Mazza reveals that the alleged movie theater killer had ties to DARPA, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the US Dept. of Defense which is responsible for the development... continued
Fertility Drugs Produce Shorter Kids
August 1, 2012Among children born full term, those conceived with the help of fertility drugs are slightly shorter than naturally conceived children but overall are physically healthy. Researcher Tim Savage says, "Reassuringly, these children remained well within the normal height range for... continued