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Fertility Drugs Produce Shorter Kids
August 1, 2012Among children born full term, those conceived with the help of fertility drugs are slightly shorter than naturally conceived children but overall are physically healthy. Researcher Tim Savage says, "Reassuringly, these children remained well within the normal height range for... continued
The Bottom of the Earth is in Trouble Too
August 1, 2012Greenland isn't the only place where glaciers are in trouble: While the TOP of the Earth is melting, the BOTTOM of the Earth--the Antarctic--is in trouble too. The polar regions are the most sensitive places on Earth to climate change,... continued
Bee Beauty
August 1, 2012Some things never change. Bee stings have been used as medicine and beauty treatments since the days of ancient Egypt. Bee venom contains a compound which stimulates the body's production of collagen and elastin, which makes us look younger. It... continued
Should We Be Nicer to Criminals?
July 31, 2012Justice is different in different countries. In Mexico, they don't feed you in prison--if your family doesn't bring you food, you'll starve. US prison conditions vary, but our sentences are long compared to prison sentences in Europe or Scandinavia. We... continued
Trillions Hidden Away While Poor People Pay
July 31, 2012A new study shows that the super-wealthy of the world have an estimated 21 trillion dollars hidden in secret bank accounts around the world. This is more that the gross domestic products of the US and Japan combined. YOUR money... continued
SECOND Gigantic Power Failure Hits India
July 31, 2012A second huge power outage across India left 600 million people sweltering in the dark. Gigantic traffic jams, stalled railway trains, closed airports and a general failure of infrastructure services have followed in the wake of what is now the... continued
A Drug That May Prevent Alzheirmer’s
July 30, 2012If we can't walk it away, what will we do? Some 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's, and the numbers are expected to swell as the baby boom generation ages. Some very important drug trials are going on right now: people... continued
How Much Do Our Dogs Care About Us?
July 30, 2012Sometimes dogs seem to be sent from heaven to be our friends, but is their empathy with us all in OUR minds? Dogs and man have evolved together for the past 15,000 years. Researcher Deborah Custance wanted find out how... continued
Prehistoric Brains in Modern Bodies
July 30, 2012Our bodies may be modern, but our BRAINS are still prehistoric--at least according to one researcher, who says that our minds, bodies, businesses, governments, and social institutions are no longer capable of coping with the rapid rate of change in... continued
Learn the Secret of Orenda
July 28, 2012You may think you've read everything that Whitley Strieber has written, but you HAVEN'T, because his beautiful novel The Secret of Orenda, a thriller about a lost Indian tribe that remembers the secrets of the past, has never been published--until... continued