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Whales Protecting Themselves
July 19, 2012The oceans are becoming so noisy, that whales can hardly hear each other sing. The Navy admits that loud booms from its underwater sonar listening devices result in temporary or permanent hearing loss for more than a quarter-million sea creatures... continued
Problems With Your Sex Life? Lose Weight
July 19, 2012Fat people have more cancer and less sex, so losing weight will not only make you more attractive, weight loss acts as a kind of natural Viagra. Weight loss can reduce the prevalence of low testosterone levels in overweight, middle-aged... continued
Now the TSA Can Check Your Molecules Before You Fly
July 19, 2012The Department of Homeland Security will soon be using a laser at airports that can detect everything about you from over 160 feet away. It can actually read you on a molecular level (in case you're hiding something in your... continued
Climate Change May Mean Less Milk
July 18, 2012Milk comes from contented cows, and the decline in milk production due to climate change varies across the country, since there are humidity and temperature swings between night and day vary as well. The humidity and hot nights make the... continued
Space Tourism Revving Up
July 18, 2012The UK--not the US--is the headquarters of Virgin Galactic, which Richard Branson hopes will create an entirely new tourism market--in space. Are private companies taking over this task because there are secrets NASA doesn't want us to know? (NOTE: Subscribers... continued
Saudi America
July 18, 2012America is becoming the new Saudi Arabia, turning from an oil-consuming nation into a power producing nation. When Obama was elected, we were importing almost two-thirds of its oil. That number is down to below almost half and is still... continued
CEOs Have LESS Stress
July 18, 2012Those of us who watch TV shows like "Mad Men" and movies like "Wall Street," assume that CEOs lead more stressful lives than the rest of us--but actually, the opposite is true. It turns out that heart attacks happen more... continued
Bio Bugs Flying Your Way
July 18, 2012We may find insects annoying, but one scientist thinks that they can be bioengineered to save the world. Using bits and pieces of DNA from different species, he wants to create "designer bugs" to do specific tasks, such as clean... continued
Medical Tourism in Mexico
July 17, 2012Some day we'll all be tourists in space, but for now, tourists are streaming into Mexican border towns, not to buy drugs (at least not the illicit kind), but for medical procedures that are much cheaper there--and often done by... continued
Neighborhoods and Cities Still Segregated
July 16, 2012Despite increasing numbers of multiethnic neighborhoods in the United States, relatively few black or white families are actually moving into these them. This segregation doesn't just happen in the US--it's prevalent all over the world. The Economist talks about how,... continued