Muzak Robot Reads Your Mind

July 6, 2012
If a robot could read your mind, it would know what kind of music you're in the mood to hear and instantly play it for you. Shimi is a kind of robot jukebox, stuffed with music you like (just like... continued

Great Wall Even Longer Than Thought

July 6, 2012
Whether or not it can be seen from space, the Great Wall of China is incredibly long. After five years of investigation, Chinese archeologists have determined that the Great Wall is actually more than 13,000 miles long, TWICE as long... continued

Thousands of Innocent People in Jail

July 5, 2012
A national registry has compiled a list of over 2,000 wrong convictions since 1989, since DNA testing became common. And reevaluation of old DNA testing is freeing innocent people from jail every day. In the May 21st edition of the... continued

How to Ruin a Healthy Salad

July 5, 2012
A big salad is a healthy meal, right? WRONG if you use the wrong kind of salad dressing! And surprise: a fat-free dressing is NOT the way to go. In a human trial, researchers fed subjects salads topped off with... continued

Your Kindle is Spying on You

July 4, 2012
In the past, reading a novel or book of nonfiction was a private matter, and publishers had no way of knowing how much you liked a book or if you flipped through it quickly or became immersed and enchanted. If... continued

Mystery in the Desert

July 3, 2012
Before we explore space, it's important to realize that there are still mysterious places here on Earth that remain to be discovered and explored. One of these places is the mysterious rock formations (NOTE: Subscribers can listen to this provocative... continued

Plants Communicate With Clicks

July 2, 2012
It's been known that plantscommunicate with each other, but biologists didn't know how they did it. It turns out they do it by making "clicking" sounds. Some plants use smell to communicate. For instance, plants like cabbage can emit a... continued

Governments Keep UFO Secrets

July 2, 2012
A recent poll says Obama is the best President to handle an alien invasion, but does he think that one's on the way? Another poll discovered that 36% of Americans think that aliens have visited Earth, and almost 80% believe... continued

The Court Has a Conscience, Even if Congress Does Not

July 2, 2012
Despite pressure from big business and power companies, a federal appeals court upheld first regulations that will reduce the gases blamed for global warming. This may be the most significant decision on climate change since a 2007 Supreme Court ruling... continued

Your Next Teacher May Be a Mind-Reading Robot

June 29, 2012
AND despite being a machine, the robot may even be a BETTER teacher--NO WONDER machines are taking over our jobs! (NOTE: Subscribers have a coupon that gets you a beautiful, hardcover copy of hardcover copy of Whitley Strieber's wonderful novel... continued