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Is Email Evil?
June 13, 2012Is email evil? People are doing so much texting that they're getting arthritis in their thumbs. One French internet executive has banned internal email, starting in 2014. In BBC News, Tom Chatfield quotes author Kevin Kelly as saying that the... continued
Our Brains are Shrinking, Even Though We’re Using Them More
June 13, 2012We always assume that humans are getting smarter all the time, but we may really be getting dumber. In fact, human brains are actually SHRINKING, despite the fact that our heads are actually getting LARGER. And why do so many... continued
Kidneys for Sale
June 12, 2012When we hear news about Iran's nuclear ambitions, we think of it as a prosperous country, but some people there are desperately poor and some of them are selling their kidneys to make money, since you can survive with just... continued
Dolphins Being Hurt by Power Plant Emissions
June 12, 2012Amid growing concerns about the spread of harmful mercury in plants and animals, a new study compared levels of the chemical in captive dolphins with dolphins found in the wild. The captive animals were fed a controlled diet, while the... continued
When Two Galaxies Collide
June 12, 2012NASA astronomers can now predict with certainty the next major cosmic event to affect our galaxy, Sun, and solar system: the titanic collision of our Milky Way galaxy with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy. The Milky Way has gone mad before,... continued
Will UFO Disclosure Happen Soon?
June 11, 2012When it comes to museum shows, UFOs seem to be the latest thing. Area 51, about 80 miles north of Las Vegas, was once one of the most secret places in America--so secret that the government denied it even existed.... continued
Why You’ve Got a Big Belly
June 11, 2012If you're distressed about your big belly--which seems to be the place we gain weight the most as we get older--you can now be reassured. A fatty membrane in the belly called the omentum has until recently been considered somewhat... continued
DNA May Prove Bigfoot Exists
June 11, 2012DNA analysis may solve one of the world's biggest mysteries (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show)--Does Bigfoot exist? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show too). The Lausanne Museum of Zoology in Switzerland is planning to together... continued
Mideast Missile Test May Have Been a Warning
June 8, 2012Thousands of witnesses in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Jordan reported a bright object streaking across their skies last night. It was traveling in a spiral with a large trail behind it. The Israeli Astronomical Association said that it wasn't... continued
Subscribe and Get a FREE copy of the NEW Edition of The Key
June 8, 2012The first 75 one-year subscribers to unknowncountry.com will receive a free copy of the new, uncensored Key (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), until supplies run out. At the end of this promotion, we will send out coupons... continued