Monsanto Guilty of Poisoning French Farmer

May 21, 2012
Weed killers are killing us: Monsanto, the creator of pesticide resistant seeds--such as StarLink corn--has been found guilty in a court in France of poisoning a French farmer after he accidentally inhaled fumes from its weed killer 8 years ago.... continued

Does Fracking Cause Asthma?

May 21, 2012
Asthma used to be mainly an urban problem, but now it's become an epidemic in the countryside--this could be due to Fracking. Fracking may lead to earthquakes, but does it also lead to asthma? The air pollutants associated with gas... continued

Subscribe by May 31 and Get the Path for Ten Dollars Off!

May 18, 2012
There is a coupon in the subscriber section offering $10.00 off the physical edition of Whitley Strieber's beautiful Tarot book, the Path. This takes the price down to just 95 cents. The Path is unique in the world. There... continued

Mugging Victim Becomes Math Genius After Brain Injury

May 17, 2012
The brain can compensate for many things and sometimes it even becomes better--or at least different--after an injury (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Ten years ago, Jason Padgett was mugged outside a karaoke club by attackers who... continued

Mayan Calendar Room Reveals its Secrets

May 17, 2012
A vast city built by the ancient Maya and discovered nearly a century ago is finally starting to yield its secrets. Excavating for the first time in the sprawling complex of Xultún in Guatemala’s Petén region, a team of archaeologists... continued

Remote Viewer Solves Murder

May 17, 2012
Last year, a California court convicted a swindler of murder in a case that was solved partly, the lead police investigator said, with the help of remote viewing (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). In the May 5th... continued

Who Wrote the Bible? Ask Your Computer

May 17, 2012
Computers can do more than identify psychopaths--they can also give us a clue about who wrote the Bible. The books of the Bible--both the Old Testament (or Torah) and the New Testament--were written by unknown authors. They are "named," but... continued

Is Doomsday in our Future?

May 17, 2012
Are there are more people alive today than have ever lived? Earth's population reached seven billion in October. We need to figure out how that compares with the number of people who have lived before us. The problem is, how... continued

Why Eating Less Meat Will Help Climate Change

May 17, 2012
Meat consumption in the developed world needs to be cut by 50% per person by 2050 and for this to happen, industrial AND agricultural emissions need to be reduced by 50% if we are to meet this goal (it may... continued

Sick? Eat Worms!

May 15, 2012
Worms--the intestinal parasite type --may be useful in treating lung disease and healing wounds (which could be why they evolved to torment us in the first place). These worms infect over a billion people all over the world every year,... continued