Why Eating Less Meat Will Help Climate Change

May 17, 2012
Meat consumption in the developed world needs to be cut by 50% per person by 2050 and for this to happen, industrial AND agricultural emissions need to be reduced by 50% if we are to meet this goal (it may... continued

Sick? Eat Worms!

May 15, 2012
Worms--the intestinal parasite type --may be useful in treating lung disease and healing wounds (which could be why they evolved to torment us in the first place). These worms infect over a billion people all over the world every year,... continued

Hard Times Bring Baby Girls

May 15, 2012
Mom: Are you having a daughter? According to a new study of the 1959-1961 Great Leap Forward famine in China, women are more likely to give birth to girls during famine conditions than when there's plenty to eat. With the... continued

How to Detect Danger

May 15, 2012
You don't have to use a computer to detect a psychopath, but it would be handy if you could: That way, you'd know who to stay clear of. These dangerous and mysterious people seem completely normal--until they attack. A new study... continued

Hormone Horrors

May 14, 2012
Hormones that mimic estrogen are turning up in many of the plastic items we use, and estrogenic herbicides are feminizing male animals and fish. Some male frogs now have female organs, and some male fish even produce eggs. In a... continued

More Trash in the Ocean Than We Thought

May 14, 2012
There are more than just cracks in the ocean floor: While working on a research sailboat gliding over glassy seas in the Pacific Ocean, oceanographer Giora Proskurowski noticed something new: The water was littered with confetti-size pieces of plastic debris,... continued

Dinosaur Farts Changed Prehistoric Climate

May 14, 2012
Sauropod dinosaurs could have produced enough of the greenhouse gas methane to warm the climate 150 million years ago, at a time when the earth was warm and wet. Does this mean, now that humans rule the planet, we should... continued

Mom: Don’t Smoke–It Can Make Your Kids Deaf

May 11, 2012
Smoking is not sexy: Exposure to second hand smoke is bad for a fetus and it's bad for teenagers too: Researchers report that exposure to tobacco smoke nearly doubles the risk of hearing loss among adolescents (Come to think of... continued

It’s Your Fault, Mom!

May 11, 2012
If you're a male who was "born bad," Mom can save you, but she can also be the root of the problem, which is why Moms need to be smart! By comparing the testosterone levels of five-month old pairs of... continued

Careful Mom: Spanking Can Change Your Kid’s DNA

May 11, 2012
It's the kind of transformation we DON'T want: Children who are exposed to violence experience wear and tear to their DNA that is similar the changes that come with aging. In a study of identical twins, researchers found that kids... continued