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Who Were the Neanderthals?
May 10, 2012Did they interbreed with Cro-Magnons in order to create modern humans? This is a hotly debated topic in science right now, and popular author Graham Hancock has written a novel about it (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show),... continued
Reading Can Change Your Personality
May 10, 2012Reading changes the brain: When you "lose yourself" inside the world of a fictional character while reading a story, you may actually end up changing your own behavior and thoughts to match that of the character. When researchers examined what... continued
Older and Wiser?
May 10, 2012Is the old adage "older and wiser" true? A recent study suggests that it is. A psychologist found that in the US, older folks have more of it than younger people, despite the fact that we seem to admire youth... continued
Want to be a Mom? Brush Your Teeth!
May 10, 2012If you want to get pregnant, see your dentist (No, we don't mean you should have sex in the dental chair). A recent Australian study compared rates of periodontal disease with the speed by which women conceived and found that... continued
Show Mom How Much You Love Her
May 9, 2012Mother's Day is coming up on May 13, and we have the perfect gift for Mom: A lovely crop circle calendar. These are not only beautiful, they're UNIQUE, because we're the ONLY place in the US where you can get... continued
Fatty Food Changes the Brain
May 9, 2012If you're eating too many fatty foods, your brain will change (one thing that may happen is you'll start to FIGHT with your spouse!) A high-fat diet causes new brain cells to sprout in an area of the brain that... continued
The Problem with Police Line Ups
May 9, 2012On TV cop shows, victims almost always identify the perpetrators correctly, but real life doesn't work that way: DNA testing has revealed that witnesses often pick out the wrong person, while detectives, in the background, keep telling the person to... continued
Why We Only Hear What We WANT to Hear
May 9, 2012Sound engineers are trying to figure out how people can focus in a single speaker while tuning out other talkers in a t crowded, noisy room. This is known as the "cocktail party effect." "Watching" the brain in action with... continued
Who Were the Neanderthals? Do They Live On in Us?
May 9, 2012Did they interbreed with Cro-Magnons in order to create modern humans? This is a hotly debated topic in science right now, and popular author Graham Hancock has written a novel about it (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show),... continued
Did Someone Pee in the Pool?
May 8, 2012A new kind of test strip has been developed, so you can find out right away. It also works in the ocean, so take it to the beach. Researchers have developed a rapid testing method using a simple paper strip... continued