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Not So Clean After All
May 8, 2012Deep water oil drilling rigs may not be causing obvious leaks (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but they are leaking dangerous methane gas into the atmosphere. Methane has 25 times the warming power of carbon dioxide. In... continued
How Sunshine Changes Us
May 8, 2012It doesn't just bring us Vitamin D, it can affect all brain activity--including the central nervous system--leading to changes in human behavior. And the recent solar flares coming from the sun may lead to an even GREATER response than usual.... continued
Show Mom How Much You Love Her
May 7, 2012Mother's Day is coming up on May 13, and we have the perfect gift for Mom: A lovely crop circle calendar. These are not only beautiful, they're UNIQUE, because we're the ONLY place in the US where you can get... continued
Why You’re Picking Fights With Your Loved Ones
May 7, 2012Think you're arguing over money? Nope, you're fighting because you ate too much fatty food for supper. Today's busy families often rely on fast food and take-out to keep everyone fed and on schedule. Researchers suspect that those types of... continued
Fire Prevention Makes Fire Deaths Worse
May 7, 2012Some of the flame retardants added to carpets, furniture upholstery, plastics, crib mattresses, car and airline seats and other products to suppress the visible flames in fires are actually increasing the danger of invisible toxic gases that are the main... continued
What’s Killing the Bees
May 7, 2012New studies show that a widely used insecticide can threaten the health of bumblebee colonies and interfere with the homing abilities of honeybees. Science Daily quotes bee researcher Dave Goulson as saying, "Some bumblebee species have declined hugely. For example,... continued
An Iphone That Gives You X-Ray Vision
May 4, 2012What if you could use your iphone to develop the Superman-like skill of having X-ray vision? Well, now you can: A microchip enables a phone to see through walls, wood and plastics and--although the researchers deny this--through clothing as well,... continued
When a Hum Becomes an International Incident
May 4, 2012A hum coming from somewhere in Detroit is driving people across the border in Canada crazy, to the extent that it's become a become an international diplomatic incident: Canada dispatched an aide to their foreign minister to the area to... continued
Our Brains Can’t Tell Real Art From Fakes
May 4, 2012When we view art, a complex series of activities go on in the brain, which help us to appreciate it. The aesthetic experience integrates sensory and emotional reactions in a manner linked with their personal relevance. BUT viewing art which... continued
Get Mom Something She’ll Treasure
May 3, 2012Mother's Day is coming up on May 13, and we have the perfect gift for Mom: A lovely crop circle calendar. It's something she'll treasure long after the year is over, because these are not only beautiful, they're UNIQUE, and... continued