Fukushima: What’s REALLY Going On

April 24, 2012
Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has visited the Fukushima Diachi Nuclear Power Station and has sent a letter to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Ichiro Fujisaki, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko... continued

Love Changes Our Brains

April 23, 2012
Our brains are constantly rewiring themselves based on the events in daily life, and what we pay the most attention to is what effects them the most. This means that the way you decide to spend your time literally transforms... continued

What Ever Happened to the Flying Car?

April 23, 2012
We've seen it in comic strips and graphic novels, but it never appears in auto shows. But it turns out that more than a dozen flying cars are in development, and Terrafugia, a firm based in Woburn, Massachusetts, is about... continued

Fish Still Deformed from BP OIl Spill

April 23, 2012
Two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexio--in the worst offshore spill in US history--deformed fish and eyeless shrimp are still being found (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). The release of... continued

What Caused the Legend of Noah’s Ark?

April 20, 2012
A worldwide flood that took place 14,600 years ago is almost certainly the origin of some of the oldest of all human stories, the flood tales of Native America, the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah's Flood. Scientists now know... continued

Alien Dinosaurs on Other Worlds?

April 20, 2012
Most scientists think that insects will take over from humans in the future, but what would have happened if dinosaurs hadn't died off? These giant lizards may have survived and evolved high intelligence on other planets, which would explain the... continued

Life on Mars? The Answer is Probably Yes

April 20, 2012
It now appears almost certain that the Viking Lander's life experiment succeeded, and that there is life on Mars. However, NASA interpreted the results too conservatively, and the chance to direct exploration of Mars toward the discovery of life was... continued

Whitley and Anne at Los Angeles Book Festival on Sat., April 21

April 19, 2012
The Festival is held at the University of Southern California (USC) campus and tickets are free! They will be signing books from 1-1:45 in booth #372 and on a panel at 3:30. To find out more about the Festival, click... continued

Bilinguals are Smarter

April 19, 2012
If you speak two or more languages, it's not just handy for traveling, it actually makes you smarter. In the March 18th edition of the New York Times, Yudhijit Battacharjee writes: "There is ample evidence that in a bilingual's brain... continued

What if We Invent a Machine to REMOVE Carbon Dioxide?

April 19, 2012
A climate change prediction that Whitley Strieber used as research for his book Nature's End thirty years ago has proved to be not only accurate, but to have understated the intensity of global warming by 30%. Global warming has, sadly,... continued