Do Video Games Improve the Brain?

April 30, 2012
Some researchers worry that violent video games will make their players (usually young boys) more violent, while other scientists think they help build brain power. Wouldn’t it be nice if all those hours kids spent glued to their PlayStation 3,... continued

Why Veterans are Killing Themselves

April 30, 2012
Concussions--caused by a severe blow to the head (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this provocative interview)--can lead to a host of debilitating symptoms, and it's not just football players who get them--soldiers who are near exploding roadside bombs do... continued

Dolphins Dead and Fisheries Closed Due to BP Spill and Cleanup

April 30, 2012
Increasing numbers of deformed fish and crustaceans being harvested from the Gulf of Mexico have prompted officials to close fisheries from Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle so that the situation can be studied by scientists and the situation evaluated. It... continued

A Perfect Present for Mom

April 27, 2012
Mother's Day is coming up on May 13, and we have the perfect gift for Mom: A lovely crop circle calendar. These are not only beautiful, they're UNIQUE, because we're the ONLY place in the US where you can get... continued

Pool Problems

April 27, 2012
We all know that exercise is important, but swimming in a chemically-treated pool may lead to asthma and even bladder cancer. This could be serious, since there are over 400 million swimmers in these pools in the US every year,... continued

Is Your Boss a Primate?

April 27, 2012
If he (or she) acts like an ape, it's because he's at the top of the pecking order (and if you want to keep your job, you'll "groom" him). When a subordinate chimpanzee grooms a dominant one, it often does... continued

Alien Artifact Display in US Museum

April 27, 2012
Are museums starting to take UFOs seriously? The National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas has opened an exhibit titled "Area 51: Myth or Reality," which contains what they claim is an "authentic alien artifact" from a 1986 UFO crash... continued

A Pill to Cure Racism?

April 26, 2012
What if there was a drug that could "cure" racism? This may be true: Tests of the commonly prescribed heart drug propranolol show that it can alter unconscious racial bias--After volunteers took the drug, they were less racially biased than... continued

Print Yourself a Helpful Robot

April 26, 2012
Soon you'll be able to print a pet, so why not print yourself a robot as well? And once you discover a task that needs doing, it won't take long to print a robot to do the work: Researchers want... continued

Too Many Dental X-Rays Can Lead to Cancer

April 26, 2012
People who received frequent dental x-rays in the past have an increased risk of developing the most commonly diagnosed primary brain tumor in the US. But don't panic--today's dental patients are exposed to lower doses of radiation than in the... continued