Too Strict? You’re Creating a Juvenile Delinquent

April 25, 2012
"Spare the rod and spoil the child" may seem like good parental advice, but it's doesn't work: Authoritarian parents are more likely to raise disrespectful, delinquent children who do not see them as legitimate authority figures than authoritative parents who... continued

Pole Shift in Progress

April 25, 2012
Yes, it's happening right now: compasses are changing because the North and South poles are in the process of changing places. This is something that happens periodically, and some scientists think it may be causing some of the mysterious loud... continued

Need Precious Metals? Mine an Asteroid

April 25, 2012
NASA may return to space after all--but not to explore, to MINE the valuable minerals that are on asteroids, in a NEW TYPE of "Gold Rush." And we may use robots to do the dirty work. Space scientists think that... continued

Athletes: Forget the Body–It’s Your BRAIN That’s Important!

April 24, 2012
Forget the idea of the dumb athlete, a new study shows that professional athletes have BETTER brains. In fact, psychologists, rather than coaches, are devising tests to tell how good a soccer player will become in the future. It has... continued

Does Homeopathic Medicine Work?

April 24, 2012
The Swiss take homeopathic medicine seriously: In late 2011, they produced an official report on this that is the most comprehensive evaluation of homeopathic medicine ever undertaken by a government. This is especially interesting since two of the five largest... continued

Fukushima: What’s REALLY Going On

April 24, 2012
Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has visited the Fukushima Diachi Nuclear Power Station and has sent a letter to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Ichiro Fujisaki, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko... continued

Love Changes Our Brains

April 23, 2012
Our brains are constantly rewiring themselves based on the events in daily life, and what we pay the most attention to is what effects them the most. This means that the way you decide to spend your time literally transforms... continued

What Ever Happened to the Flying Car?

April 23, 2012
We've seen it in comic strips and graphic novels, but it never appears in auto shows. But it turns out that more than a dozen flying cars are in development, and Terrafugia, a firm based in Woburn, Massachusetts, is about... continued

Fish Still Deformed from BP OIl Spill

April 23, 2012
Two years after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexio--in the worst offshore spill in US history--deformed fish and eyeless shrimp are still being found (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). The release of... continued

What Caused the Legend of Noah’s Ark?

April 20, 2012
A worldwide flood that took place 14,600 years ago is almost certainly the origin of some of the oldest of all human stories, the flood tales of Native America, the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and Noah's Flood. Scientists now know... continued