The Arab Spring May be Caused by Drought

April 16, 2012
It's feast or famine in the Arab world, which is why climate change--NOT a hunger for freedom--may be what's behind the revolutionary movements in the Middle East that have become known as the "Arab Spring." In the April 8th edition... continued

Fukushima Radiation Found in US Milk

April 16, 2012
Milk in San Francisco is being tested at radiation levels that are double the maximum amount allowed by the EPA, apparently as a result of radioactive cesium reaching California from the Fukushima disaster. According to Energy News, three recent milk... continued

Do Recent Foreign Quakes Mean They’ll Happen Here Soon?

April 16, 2012
It's been proven that an earthquake in one place can "trigger" a quake on the other side of the planet. This helps scientists who study earthquakes predict when and where the next one will hit (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen... continued

Powerful Storms Sweep Midwest

April 16, 2012
Powerful storms swept the midwest last night, and more are expected as an unseasonal cold front crosses the region, colliding with equally unseasonal warm air that has been pouring up across the region from the Gulf of Mexico. The National Weather... continued

Print Your Next Pet

April 13, 2012
Why adopt a pet from the pound when you can print out any kind of pet you want? Three-dimensional printing can make objects ranging from violins to pilotless aircraft, so why not a unique pet, designed especially for you. The... continued

Poop Fuel

April 13, 2012
Thanks to this website, you now know about poop burgers, and you also know about the sometimes heroic efforts to get communities safe drinking water. Now scientists have solved two problems with one machine--it not only cleans sewage out of... continued

Did the Mayans Have Contact with ETs?

April 13, 2012
This may be the source of their extraordinarily accurate calendar. A new Mexican documentary titled "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond" claims that the ancient Mayans had contact with alien visitors who left evidence behind. The movie makers say... continued

Truth Tellers Being Attacked

April 12, 2012
As the presidential race heats up, the climate is heating up too--perhaps irreversibly--but despite this, politicians are denying that climate change even EXISTS in order to garner votes from frightened constituents. On CNN, researcher Michael Mann talks about how he... continued

Who’s More Likely to Get Married?

April 12, 2012
Past studies have shown "college is the great equalizer" in the labor market, dampening social class differences. But the same can't be said for the marriage market: Social and cultural factors, not just income, are central to marriage decisions. Men... continued

Why You Need to Find Your Roots

April 12, 2012
Scholars at the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond are looking through eight million documents dating back to the 17th century, seeking the names of slaves, so they can help black people in the US discover their roots. They are finding... continued