Here Comes Trouble!

April 3, 2012
Do you make decisions quickly based on incomplete information? Do you often lose your temper? Are you easily bored? Is your desk a mess? In the February 14th edition of the New York Times, John Tierney writes: "Those are the... continued

Plants Remember the Dry Days

April 3, 2012
When plants talk to each other, what do they say? Some of them compare notes on how to survive a drought and plants that have been subjected to a previous period of drought learn to deal with the stress thanks... continued

We’re Reaching the Tipping Point on Climate

April 3, 2012
We recently reported that changes in the Arctic could halt the Gulf Stream--maybe changing our climate permanently. Now climatologists are warning us that the world is close to reaching tipping points that will make it irreversibly hotter. We have only... continued

Discovery of a Water Planet

April 2, 2012
The most common type of star in the Milky Way is called a red dwarf--these are smaller, cooler, and longer-lived than our sun. There are 160 BILLION of them in our galaxy and 40% of them have Earth-like planets orbiting... continued

Faster Than Light Speed? Slow Down!

April 2, 2012
When a group of physicists who called themselves "Opera" announced in September that a group of subatomic particles called neutrinos had traveled faster than the speed of light, many physicists assumed something had gone wrong with the experiment, since it... continued

You’re More Likely to Die if You Take Sleeping Pills

March 30, 2012
Some foods can kill you, and it turns out that a good night's sleep can do it too--IF you use sleeping pills. According to a recent study, patients taking prescription sleep aids on a regular basis were nearly five times... continued

Buried City Found in Egypt

March 30, 2012
In a recent NASA satellite survey of Egypt, archaeologists discovered 17 pyramids that had been buried in the sand, as well as more than 1,000 tombs and 3,000 ancient settlements. Ground level excavations have already confirmed the existence of two... continued

Odd Cures

March 30, 2012
You may be eating and drinking some odd things in the future. There is striking new evidence that green, or unroasted, coffee beans can produce a substantial decrease in body weight in a relatively short period of time. Drinking coffee... continued

Climate Change Means Less Flu

March 29, 2012
Why do we get the flu in the winter? It's basically because cold air and central heating both try out our nasal passages, so that we can't "catch" viruses before they get into our body and make us sick. Flu... continued

Fertilizer Company Poisoning Birds

March 29, 2012
Here's a possible cause of the aflockalypse: The company that makes Scotts Miracle-Gro fertilizer for your lawn could also be killing your songbirds. Scotts pled guilty to charges that they illegally put insecticides into its "Morning Song" and "Country Pride"... continued