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Is Math Behind Everything?
March 14, 2012Eight years ago, when Anne Strieber woke up from a coma, she got the message "God is a mathematical formula." Recent studies suggest that mathematics may govern everything from the timing of earthquakes (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this... continued
To Solve Nuclear Power Plant Problems, Use Another Fuel
March 14, 2012Despite Fukushima, nuclear energy is probably here to stay. Can we make it safer by changing to a new fuel? It turns out there could be an entirely new type of nuclear reactor, that could not only be operated safely... continued
Mysterious Flash in Phoenix–Solved…or Not?
March 14, 2012The flash of light that appeared in Phoenix on March 8 has now been explained by Arizona Public Service as a breaker opening on an electric line. In other words, it was an electric arc. However, our experts are not... continued
How Bees Become Zombies
March 13, 2012Just when we thought that all the problems with bees were finally solved, along comes a NEW one: wasps that turn bees into zombies. Honeybees that have been parasitized by this wasp have been found the San Francisco Bay area,... continued
Tall Power
March 13, 2012Maybe the powerful really do feel bigger than the rest of us, which may be why they boss us around. A recent study finds that the psychological experience of power makes people feel taller than they really are. In other... continued
Enigma News
March 13, 2012Here are some fascinating new "takes" on Whitley Strieber's latest book, Soving the Communion Enigma, from NPR reporter Rick Kleffel. To read them and hear them, click here, here and here. You'll notice that when Kleffel was recording his interview, he... continued
When Cars Drive Themselves
March 12, 2012Inventors are working hard to create self-driving cars: There have been so many trials of them in Nevada that it has become the first American state to pass a law to regulate such trials on public roads. The Economist reports... continued
CERN and US Collider Both See God Particle Evidence
March 12, 2012CERN in Geneva isn't the only place that researchers are looking for the "God particle." Scientists at the Tevatron accelerator in the US say they have also seen possible hints of the Higgs boson (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to... continued
While You Sneeze, You Wonder: Is it an Allergy or a Cold?
March 12, 2012While parts of the East Coast have been hit with nearly 12 inches of snow, parts of the Midwest were enjoying highs into the 60s and in the same week. No wonder everyone seems to be sneezing and coughing? But... continued
What You’ll Eat in the Future
March 9, 2012In the future (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), it's predicted that the population of the world will swell to 2.5 billion--how will we feed them all? Certainly not with the conventional meat-and-potatoes diet that we're used to... continued