Monsters in Primeval Water?

February 24, 2012
We worry about fighting off an alien invasion in the future, but the biggest invasion of new creatures may be right here on Earth RIGHT NOW. We've warned you before that as the world heats up and glaciers melt, dangerous... continued

Now Scientists are Being Gagged in Canada Too

February 24, 2012
NASA Scientists have been gagged in the US in the past--now Canadian scientists are complaining that their vital research on health and environment issues is being suppressed. On BBC News, Pallab Ghosh quotes university scientist Thomas Pedersen as saying, "The... continued

Atomic Particles Taste Good

February 23, 2012
Quantum entanglement, which Albert Einstein called "spooky action at a distance," occurs when two atomic particles are split apart, but still INSTANTLY copy each other--no matter HOW far away from each other they are (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to... continued

There may be Superbugs in Our Pork

February 23, 2012
We already know we should avoid pork products from China, but home-grown pork from the grocery store may be dangerous in ANOTHER way--it may be contaminated with superbugs. Retail pork products in the US have a higher prevalence of methicillin-resistant... continued

The Science Behind Soulful Songs

February 23, 2012
Why do we love songs that make us cry? The strong emotions they invoke set off a physical reaction that increases our "feel good" hormone dopamine. So even though it seems like we're unhappy, we've never felt HAPPIER! When psychologist... continued

Why It Suddenly Got So Cold

February 22, 2012
For the first half of the winter, there were warm temperatures and a lack of snow. But then all that changed: Temperatures in Europe have plunged. It has even snowed as far south as North Africa. Now it's starting to... continued

Aflockalypse Again

February 22, 2012
Hundreds of dead starlings dropped from the sky in Laurel, Maryland recently. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. This time, the mass deaths are being blamed on everything from fireworks to bad weather. The birds fell... continued

To Reverse Alzheimer’s, Start with Smell

February 21, 2012
Alzheimer's stinks, but its victims don't know this because one of the earliest indications that a patient is coming down with this dread disease is loss of the sense of smell. If we learn how to reverse this, we may... continued

Don’t Like Your History? Change It!

February 21, 2012
At the same time our soldiers keep on fighting in Afghanistan, that country is rewriting its history books to LEAVE OUT its many wars. It's a way to try to patch up the many, long lasting schisms between different tribes.... continued

Whales are Slaves in Aquatic Shows

February 21, 2012
People aren't the only ones who live in slavery. Five killer whales have been named as plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) against Sea World, which says they deserve the same constitutional... continued