Murder by the Numbers

January 27, 2012
America seems to have the most serial killers, although Russia produced Andrei Chikatilo, the "Rostov Ripper," in the 1980s. Mathematicians discovered that his murders followed the same mathematical pattern as earthquakes, avalanches and stock market crashes. Could serial killers be... continued

The Government Can Attack Us on the Internet

January 27, 2012
The US has always advocated free speech, and the internet has become a forum for various ideas, to the extent that it is behind the revolutions in Russia, China and Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt. But since Congress agreed... continued

Are Potato Chips as Dangerous as We Think They Are?

January 26, 2012
A new eight year long European study concludes that salt consumption is not dangerous and may in fact be GOOD. This is certainly contrary to advice from American Medical Association, American Heart Association and the Center for Disease Control and... continued

Not All Mayans Think 2012 is The End

January 26, 2012
The Mayan people of Guatemala don't agree with the December 21st, 2012 prophecy, and there are more Mayan ruins there than in any other place in South America. In the December 30th edition of the Guardian, Kevin Rushby writes, "The... continued

Arctic Changes Could Halt Gulf Stream

January 26, 2012
Over the past 15 years, a mass of fresh water from ice melt has been building under the Arctic ice cap. The water is trapped under the Beaufort Gyre in the western Arctic, and presently represents about 10% of all... continued

Why We Don’t See What’s Really There

January 25, 2012
The cells in our eyes that detect light are in the center of our field of vision, so scientists have long concentrated on what we see in front of us, but now they're becoming interested in what we see out... continued

Seed Wars

January 25, 2012
The US is threatening nations that want to ban Monsanto's genetically-modified seeds with trade sanctions. This includes some of our major Western trading partners, such as France, which has banned the planting of the aggressive GM Starlink variety of corn.... continued

Where You Vote May Determine HOW You Vote

January 25, 2012
WHERE you vote may determine WHO you vote for. Passersby who stopped to answer surveys taken next to churches in the Netherlands and England reported themselves to be more politically conservative and more negative toward non-Christians than did people who... continued

We’ve Found Another Saturn

January 25, 2012
Astronomers are discovering more Earth-like planets almost every day. Now an international team of astrophysicists has discovered a ring system in the constellation Centaurus that can be compared to Saturn. They spotted it by searching for light curves in young,... continued

Time Leaps Forward

January 24, 2012
We all know about leap YEAR, but what about leap second? As 70 UN nations argue over whether to abolish it, there's actually a war going on over time. Leap year adds a day to February every 4 years, while... continued