Why No Women are Running This Time

January 19, 2012
With Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton both running for president recently, it may seem that there are plenty of women candidates around, but actually there are relatively few. Several factors contribute to this gender gap. For one thing, women are... continued

Smoking Dangers Kept Secret

January 18, 2012
Most of us now realize that smoking leads to lung cancer (and other diseases), but not everyone realizes that tobacco companies HID this data for years. A new analysis of tobacco industry documents shows that Philip Morris manipulated data on... continued

Vets Having Trouble Behind the Wheel

January 18, 2012
Our Iraq and Afghanistan war vets are coming home with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disease), and due to the roadside bombs they encountered when they were abroad, many of them are having trouble driving their cars back here in the US.... continued

Spying in Space

January 18, 2012
America's classified X-37B satellite, which went into orbit in March, 2011, is probably spying on China's space station (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), Tiangong-1, which was launched in September, 2011, since its path is nearly identical to... continued

A Worm is Stealing Your Facebook Facts

January 17, 2012
We know there are spies on Facebook, but worms too? A security firm warns that a computer worm has stolen 45,000 login credentials from Facebook, mostly from Facebook accounts in the UK and France. The same worm has been around... continued

A Hole in Time

January 17, 2012
A team of physicists has created a "hole in time," where things that happen are completely undetectable to ordinary observers. It's as if they never occurred. Called "temporal cloaking," this could eventually provide a way for a country like Iran... continued

Animals are Disappearing and We’re Covering it Up

January 16, 2012
Animals are going extinct for all sorts of reasons, and what's being done to some of them should be a CRIME. Many of the animal species at risk of extinction right here in the US have not made it onto... continued

Depressed? Get out in the sun!

January 16, 2012
Winter can be a depressing time of year. Gray days may keep you indoors, but if you're gloomy, you may need to get out in the sun, because low levels of vitamin D (the vitamin you get from sunlight) have... continued

Deep Thinkers Like to Laugh

January 13, 2012
Especially when it comes to politics (with the state our Congress is in right now, what else is there to do?) But that shouldn't surprise us: deep thinkers have always had a sense of humor. Communications expert Dannagal Young says,... continued

New Law: No Longer Innocent Until Proven Guilty

January 13, 2012
Not everyone realizes that a new law has been passed that allows the military to detain American citizens indefinitely without a trial, the way it sends foreigners to Guantanamo now. Even though the military and covert agencies say they don't... continued