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Should a Nonsmoker Wear a Patch?
January 12, 2012In the future, we may all be wearing nicotine patches, even though we are NOT trying to quit smoking, because using a nicotine patch may help improve mild memory loss in older adults. Nicotine has been shown to improve cognitive... continued
Should We Dread December?
January 11, 2012The future has arrived and it's time for a change. 2012 is here and due to ancient Mayan prophecies, it's a year that many people dread (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but if you want to make... continued
Notice Today’s Date
January 11, 2012Yes, a date with all "ones" in it comes around regularly (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) and we need to be PREPARED for whatever the future brings. The best way to do this, we think, is with... continued
Evolution May Not Keep Up With Climate Change
January 11, 2012If climate change accelerates, can animals and plants evolve quickly enough to keep up with it? Climate changes profoundly influenced the rise and fall of six distinct, successive waves of mammal species diversity in North America over the last 65... continued
Whaling Drones
January 11, 2012The Japanese have an insatiable appetite for whale meat, but environmentalists have a new weapon in their fight against whaling--in another nonmilitary use of the same drones we use as a weapon in Iraq. Japanese whaling ships tried to block... continued
Instant Learning is in Your future
January 10, 2012New research suggests it may be possible to learn high-performance tasks with little or no conscious effort. It may be possible to use brain technology to learn to play a piano, reduce mental stress or hit a curve ball with... continued
What Columbus Brought to the New World
January 10, 2012When Christopher Columbus and his crew landed on our shores in 1492, he brought many things with him--among them, the dreaded sexual disease syphilis, which can damage the heart, brain, eyes and bones, and can also be fatal. This is... continued
Will December be The End?
January 10, 2012We don't know the answer to that, but if you had our beautiful 2012 crop circle calendar you'd at least be able to keep track of the passing days! You'll never see one in a store, because you can ONLY... continued
Buy Whitley’s New Book and Get a FREE Bookplate
January 9, 2012"Solving the Communion Enigma," Whitley Strieber's first nonfiction book about his Visitor experiences in over a decade, is in book stores NOW (you can watch the video here). In it, he tells about the extraordinary information he's learned about who... continued
Which Side are You On?
January 9, 20129 out of 10 people, all over the world, are right-handed. True ambidexterity occurs in less than 1% of the population. Why does the world skew to the right? Scientists still don't know. Things like nipples and nostrils come in... continued