What Are You Doing Tomorrow?

January 5, 2012
And for the rest of 2012--Do you have any idea? If you had our beautiful 2012 crop circle calendar you'd KNOW! You'll never see one in a store window, because you can ONLY get it from us. Some people think... continued

Pollution May Cause Hurricanes

January 5, 2012
Pollution affects the ocean in many different ways. One of these is that it causes hurricanes. A recent increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea may be a side effect of increasing air pollution over the... continued

A Bad Boss Can Wreck Your Marriage

January 5, 2012
If you're lucky enough to have a job, do you take your work home with you? It turns out that having an abusive boss not only causes problems at work but can lead to strained relationships at home. The stress... continued

Get a FREE Bookplate With Whitley’s New Book

January 5, 2012
"Solving the Communion Enigma," Whitley Strieber's first nonfiction book about his Visitor experiences in over a decade, is in book stores NOW. In it, he tells about the extraordinary information he's learned about who and what these mysterious beings are.... continued

Our Immune Systems are Racial

January 4, 2012
YOU may not be racist, but your immune system is: A major difference in the way that cells from African-Americans respond to inflammation could be an answer to why this group has so much more hypertension, something that has eluded... continued

Can Nuclear Power be Made Safe?

January 4, 2012
After the disaster at Fukushima, and the discovery that some nuclear power plants right here in the US (such as Indian Point, which is close to one of the most populated cities in the world: New York City) may be... continued

Meditate for Major Change in 2012

January 4, 2012
The future has arrived: 2012 is here and due to ancient Mayan prophecies, it's a year that many people dread (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but if you want to make it a year of GOOD change--for... continued

An Exquisite Way to Plan Your Day

January 4, 2012
2012 is a new beginning and our beautiful 2012 crop circle calendar is a delightful way to plan for it. You'll never see one in a store window, because you can ONLY get it from us. Some people think that... continued

Careful Now!

January 3, 2012
Those hallucinogenic mushrooms may be tempting (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but beware: A single high dose of psilocybin, the active ingredient "magic mushrooms," was enough to bring about a measureable personality change lasting at least a... continued

Two Earth-Like Planets Discovered

January 3, 2012
Will 2012 be the year we discover another planet that has intelligent life on it? Researchers have detected two planets of sizes comparable to Earth orbiting a star similar to our own Sun. This means there could be life on... continued