Last Days to Get Free Enigma Bookplate

December 29, 2011
"Solving the Communion Enigma," the first nonfiction book Whitley Strieber has written about his Visitor experiences in a decade, will be published on January 5th. In it, he tells about the extraordinary information he's learned about who and what these... continued

Bees Function Like a Brain

December 29, 2011
Bees do a quantum dance in order to tell the other members of their hive where to find the honey. Now scientists have discovered that warms of bees and brains, which are made up of neurons, both make decisions in... continued

Unintended Botox Effects

December 29, 2011
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to do something about your facial lines and wrinkles, be warned: It turns out that muscle-freezing Botox injections not only stay with you, they MIGRATE and affect muscles that you might not... continued

Mayans Ended up in Georgia

December 29, 2011
How did corn, beans and tobacco come to the Indians of the US? We used to think they came from Native Americans who brought them back from their trips across the border into Mexico. But if a recent archaeological find... continued

Is There Someone You Left Off Your List?

December 28, 2011
Some researchers think ALL crop circles are manmade, some think NONE of them are made by people, and other researchers think BOTH are the case (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to ALL of these shows). But everyone agrees that these... continued

Why You Need to Get Smart

December 27, 2011
Besides being elected President, what's the REAL "Fountain of Youth"--the secret to a long life? Get educated! Researchers have concluded that this is why death rates for less educated middle aged adults are MUCH higher than for their more educated... continued

Want to Live a Long Time? Get Elected President

December 27, 2011
As long as you aren't among the 4 who got assassinated, that is (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). When we see and hear the various Presidential candidates debate, we begin to wonder what the office will do... continued

Being Thankful is Good for Your Health

December 27, 2011
Are you thankful for all the wonderful Christmas gifts you received? Thankfulness doesn't just improve your emotional health, it impacts your PHYSICAL health as well. Studies show measurable effects on mood neurotransmitters, reproductive hormones, social bonding hormones, cognitive and pleasure... continued

Older Brains are Better

December 23, 2011
Christmas is the season when we get together with elderly friends and relatives (NOTE: You can watch the video here), and Santa's not so young either! Have YOU gotten to the point where birthdays are depressing? Here's something you should... continued

The Mall is a Church for Some People

December 23, 2011
Most Americans are religious--just not all in the same way. An international study of holiday shopping and religion finds that dominant religious groups are likely to experience discomfort at all the "consumption mass hysteria" they encounter in shopping malls, while... continued