There May be Diamonds in the Sky

December 22, 2011
At the first Christmas, three astrologers followed a star that shone so brightly, it looked like a diamond in the sky. A new study suggests that some stars in the Milky Way could harbor "carbon super-Earths"--giant terrestrial planets that are made... continued

Let There be Light

December 22, 2011
In the Christmas season, we become even more aware that light affects mood, and a new study indicates that light may also play a role in modulating fear and anxiety. So whether or not you've switched, turn on the lights... continued

Finding That Elusive Parking Place

December 21, 2011
Lots of us wish that cars would not only drive themselves, but that they would park themselves too. While a few automakers are starting to create cars that can do that, for most of us, finding a parking place at... continued

Faced With a Tough Choice? Here’s What You’ll Probably Do

December 21, 2011
During the Christmas season, the biggest choice we usually have to make is what present to buy for someone--but sometimes we're faced with tough choices. Here's an example: Would you take someone's life in order to prevent the deaths of... continued

Does Your Neighborhood Look Like It’s Underwater?

December 21, 2011
We switched and now almost everybody has, especially when it comes to Christmas lights. LED lights are cooler and cheaper to run than old-fashioned incandescent decorations, but some people are unhappy about the chilly "underwater" glow they give to everything,... continued

If Only Cars Could Drive Themselves

December 20, 2011
Being stuck in heavy traffic on your way to the mall to get last minute gifts can take away your Christmas spirit FAST. Thousands of accidents (and deaths) could be avoided every year if cars drove (and parked) themselves, and... continued

Dogs Have Been Our Friends Since Prehistoric Times

December 20, 2011
Getting a puppy for Christmas? It's amazing to realize that all dogs of today, that come in so many shapes and sizes, are all descended from the same animal--the wolf. Man domesticated the dog, as a working and hunting partner... continued

Coral Reefs are Dying– A Surprising Reason Why

December 20, 2011
It's a real enigma: Humans aren't the only thing that's killing coral--a certain variety of seaweed is doing the same thing, in a battle beneath the sea. Scientists for the first time have identified and mapped the chemical structure of... continued

Think Twice Before Getting That Manicure

December 19, 2011
Thinking of getting your nails done for those holiday parties? How about a new haircut? We hate to make you paranoid (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), but doctors suspect there is a risk of hepatitis transmission through... continued

War Dogs are Suffering as Much as Soldiers

December 19, 2011
Now that we're finally leaving Iraq, we need to remember that the dogs who go to war with us are suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disease), just like the soldiers who take them on patrol. Back at the base, they... continued