Why Political Talk So Often Fails

December 5, 2011
There's a reason why politicians sometimes find it hard to talk. Rick Perry’s failure to remember the name of one of the federal agencies he would abolish if elected president, namely the Department of Energy, was most likely an example... continued

People Lie on the Internet

December 3, 2011
Don't believe everything you receive in an email or text message: A new study finds that communication using computers for instant messaging and e-mail increases lying compared to face-to-face conversations. A study looked at 110 same-sex pairs of college students... continued

Why Men are So Impulsive

December 3, 2011
Addiction and impulsivity are genetically linked together in men. This gene has already been linked to smoking, alcoholism and obesity. One gene, called NRXN3, is causing men A LOT of problems! In LiveScience.com, Stephanie Pappas quotes psychologist Scott Stoltenberg as... continued

Alien Base in China?

December 3, 2011
Chinese archeologists say that they have discovered that 12,000 years ago, an alien race used some regions of their country as a massive headquarters here on Earth. They base this conclusion on the Xianyang pyramid near the top of Mount... continued

Whitley Strieber’s Teen Thriller On the Way

December 2, 2011
You may have noticed that the unknowncountry.com masthead has changed--from a figure on a cliff peering over the abyss to the face of a beautiful young girl. This is the face of Melody, the lonely young singer you'll meet in... continued

Why Some People are Optimists (Despite Everything)

December 2, 2011
How some people stay positive despite evidence to the contrary has been discovered. Researchers have also discovered how our brains recognize family members (and whether or not recognizing relatives makes you happy depends on your family!) Some brains are better... continued

Has a New War Started?

December 2, 2011
Secret attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities may be under way by Israel. Israeli officials said in a recent report that a "mysterious explosion" two days ago at an Iranian nuclear facility was "no accident." Satellite images show smoke coming from... continued

Murder in the Amazon

December 1, 2011
Clear cutting the rainforest is having MURDEROUS consequences. On May 24, the dead bodies of rainforest activist Jose Caludio Riberio da Sliva (who had predicted his death six months earlier at an environmental conference) and his wife, Maria do Espírito... continued

Plants Know We’re Here

December 1, 2011
Are plants aware of us--do they react to what we do? Biologist Elizabeth Haswell says, "Picture yourself hiking through the woods or walking across a lawn. Now ask yourself: Do the bushes know that someone is brushing past them? Does... continued

The Alien Broadcasts of 1957

November 30, 2011
UFOs have been causing problems for CERN in the form of mysterious rapid beam lights dumping "dust particles" on the Collider. Strange things happened in the past as well: Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the National... continued