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Why Some People are Optimists (Despite Everything)
December 2, 2011How some people stay positive despite evidence to the contrary has been discovered. Researchers have also discovered how our brains recognize family members (and whether or not recognizing relatives makes you happy depends on your family!) Some brains are better... continued
Has a New War Started?
December 2, 2011Secret attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities may be under way by Israel. Israeli officials said in a recent report that a "mysterious explosion" two days ago at an Iranian nuclear facility was "no accident." Satellite images show smoke coming from... continued
Murder in the Amazon
December 1, 2011Clear cutting the rainforest is having MURDEROUS consequences. On May 24, the dead bodies of rainforest activist Jose Caludio Riberio da Sliva (who had predicted his death six months earlier at an environmental conference) and his wife, Maria do Espírito... continued
Plants Know We’re Here
December 1, 2011Are plants aware of us--do they react to what we do? Biologist Elizabeth Haswell says, "Picture yourself hiking through the woods or walking across a lawn. Now ask yourself: Do the bushes know that someone is brushing past them? Does... continued
The Alien Broadcasts of 1957
November 30, 2011UFOs have been causing problems for CERN in the form of mysterious rapid beam lights dumping "dust particles" on the Collider. Strange things happened in the past as well: Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the National... continued
When Sex is Mind-Blowing
November 30, 2011A middle-aged woman was admitted to an emergency room with amnesia, unable to remember anything about the past 24 hours EXCEPT having had sex with her husband an hour earlier. Does this mean the sex was very good--or very bad?... continued
Pregnant, Fat and Violent
November 30, 2011If you were born bad, mom can save you--even BEFORE you're born! It's hard to think of a baby being violent or destructive, but the seeds of violence may be planted before a child is born, meaning that attention to... continued
Why We’re So Different From Our Brothers, the Chimps
November 30, 2011Researchers were surprised to learn that the DNA sequences of human and chimpanzee genes are nearly identical, so what is responsible for the many differences between the two species? Here's why we want to find out: Chimps get MUCH LESS... continued
More Evidence That 2012 is For Real
November 29, 2011Mexico's archeologists don't put much credence in the ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end in December of 2012, but at a recent press conference they admitted that a second reference to that date has been found on a... continued
What the FIRST Language Sounded Like
November 29, 2011Where do languages come from? Many linguists think that all human languages came from a single one that was spoken in East Africa around 50,000 years ago. But how would it have sounded--would it have been mainly grunts? New research... continued