China is Hacking Our Satellites

November 8, 2011
Hackers interfered with two US satellites 4 times between 2007 and 2008. These incidents involved observation systems which targeted through a ground station in Norway which are used to observe the earth's climate and terrain (or is that just the... continued

The White House Says We’re Alone. Not So Fast Says Whitley Strieber

November 8, 2011
The White House has responded to recent petitions requesting disclosure of UFO-related information by saying that the US government has no knowledge of any extraterrestrial presence on earth and has never communicated in any way with extraterrestrials. At the same... continued

Eating Greens Can Change Your Genes

November 8, 2011
Scientists once told us that you can't change your family, the genes they pass on, or the effect of these genes. Now an international team of scientists is attacking that belief. They discovered that the gene that is the strongest... continued

Will Israel Attack Iran Soon?

November 8, 2011
We talked about this three years ago, and now it's being discussed again--this time officially. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran, and defense minister Ehud Barak and foreign... continued

Quarter Mile Asteroid Passing Between Earth and Moon Tuesday

November 6, 2011
Asteroid 255 YU55 will pass between the earth and the moon on Tuesday. The object is the larger than an aircraft carrier and would cause significant damage if it struck either our planet or the moon. Predictably, it has become... continued

Your Language Gives You Away

November 4, 2011
Using computerized text analysis, scientists are able to help police identify psychopathic murderers by analyzing the word choices they use when talking about their crimes. Researcher Jeff Hancock found that "the words of these criminals match their personalities, which reflect... continued

Make Sure Your Surgeon Plays Mozart

November 4, 2011
Physicians who listen to Mozart while performing a colonoscopy may increase their detection rates of precancerous polyps. This is pretty amazing and we have a question: would the detection rate get better--or worse--with rock or rap? In this randomized controlled... continued

The Politics of Disgust

November 4, 2011
Disgusted with politics? But just HOW disgusted you can be when confronted with a picture of a man eating a mouthful of writhing worms may lend important insight into your personal political proclivities. In a new study, political scientists closely... continued

Only the Rich Eat Well in China

November 4, 2011
The food the ordinary Chinese eat may sometimes consist of soy sauce made from hair sweepings, but just as in the old Soviet Union (where the Communist elite shopped in special stories while ordinary folks stood in long lines to... continued

Volcano May Destroy a Country

November 3, 2011
Why is a volcano in Bolivia getting bigger and more powerful so FAST? The Huffington Post quotes researcher Andrea Mustain as saying that a 43 mile wide volcano called Uturuncu is "inflating with astonishing speed." They quote volcanologist Shan de... continued