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Careful Crossing the Street!
October 21, 2011You think DRIVING is dangerous? How about CROSSING THE STREET? If you're a pedestrian, you should know this: in the past year, for the first time in four years, pedestrian deaths rose exponentially. The problem is that people are doing... continued
What is that Smiling Person REALLY Thinking?
October 21, 2011Facial expressions have been called the "universal language of emotion," but people from different cultures perceive happy, sad or angry facial expressions in unique ways. In some cultures, smiling at a person you don't know well (such as a clerk... continued
You Can’t Hide: The Words You Choose Reveal the Truth
October 20, 2011The words people use are like fingerprints that can reveal their relationships, honesty, or their status in a group. Scientists are using linguistic software to analyze pronouns, articles, prepositions and a handful of other small function words. Social psychologist James... continued
Are You Like Your Car?
October 19, 2011If you drive a Prius, do you find that Mercedes are always cutting you off? A new study shows that people who view their car as an extension of themselves have stronger aggressive driving tendencies. People tend to buy cars... continued
Why We’re Jealous
October 18, 2011Why do we envy other people? The answer seems simple: because they have something we want or wish we had. But psychologists are trying to learn MORE about this obsession. In the October 11th edition of the New York Times,... continued
The Government is Spying on Your Internet Activity
October 18, 2011Social scientists are tracking the things we do on the internet, including website searches, Twitter messages, Facebook and blog posts, as well as the digital location trails generated by billions of cell phones. This isn't simple spying--or so they say... continued
Have Brunch with Anne Strieber!
October 18, 2011At the upcoming conference in New York City on October 22-23, Anne Strieber will be speaking to a select group of people at a special brunch. She will talk about her scientific discoveries about WHY the Visitors are contacting and... continued
What Happens when Fish get Aggressive
October 17, 2011An angry glare from the family goldfish might not be the result of a missed meal, but a too-humble abode. Fish in a cramped, barren space turn mean. Ornamental fishes in aquariums big and small, across the US, might be... continued
Old Sinners Picked the Right Parents
October 17, 2011People may be getting sick and dying at a younger age than they used to, although some people seem to have found the legendary Fountain of Youth. But people who live to 95 or older are no more virtuous than the... continued
When the Milky Way Went Mad
October 17, 2011There's a black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, and we now have evidence that it "acted up" during the 200 years of the Renaissance, around 1450-1650, sending out a massive blast of X-rays. How do we... continued