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Need a Space Station? Lasso an Asteroid
October 26, 2011A group of scientists want to capture a near-earth asteroid and bring it closer to Earth, so we can use it as a platform for future space missions. This is not some wild future speculation: We already have the technology... continued
Why You’re Really a Racist
October 26, 2011Everyone’s a little bit racist, but it may not be your fault. A research team thinks our culture may be partially to blame. And another team of researchers has found that the perception of race can be altered by cues... continued
Fruit to the Rescue!
October 25, 2011Bananas may help cure kids' asthma. Blueberries build better brains. And dried plums builds better bones. Could there be better reasons to start eating fruit? Going bananas may help kids breathe easier (too bad they may not be with us... continued
Depression: You Can Have a Relapse (Just like an Addict)
October 25, 2011Alcoholics and drug addicts are familiar with the problem of relapse--in fact, it's a regular part of many of their lives until they finally get "clean." Now researchers say that patients who use anti-depressants are much more likely to suffer... continued
Thanks for Nothing
October 24, 2011Ever go into a large restaurant or department store and see an "employee of the month" poster behind the cash register, complete with a photo of the worker? While this may seem kind of silly to a customer, since there... continued
Your Hospital Can be a Dangerous Place
October 24, 2011Going to the hospital can be DANGEROUS. The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that millions of people die each year from medical errors and infections linked to health care. They say that going into hospital is far riskier than... continued
Intuition Leads to God
October 24, 2011Do you hear a distant melody that nobody else can hear? Intuition may lead people toward a belief in the divine and help explain why some people have more faith in God than others (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to... continued
Careful Crossing the Street!
October 21, 2011You think DRIVING is dangerous? How about CROSSING THE STREET? If you're a pedestrian, you should know this: in the past year, for the first time in four years, pedestrian deaths rose exponentially. The problem is that people are doing... continued
What is that Smiling Person REALLY Thinking?
October 21, 2011Facial expressions have been called the "universal language of emotion," but people from different cultures perceive happy, sad or angry facial expressions in unique ways. In some cultures, smiling at a person you don't know well (such as a clerk... continued
You Can’t Hide: The Words You Choose Reveal the Truth
October 20, 2011The words people use are like fingerprints that can reveal their relationships, honesty, or their status in a group. Scientists are using linguistic software to analyze pronouns, articles, prepositions and a handful of other small function words. Social psychologist James... continued