Why We’re Jealous

October 18, 2011
Why do we envy other people? The answer seems simple: because they have something we want or wish we had. But psychologists are trying to learn MORE about this obsession. In the October 11th edition of the New York Times,... continued

The Government is Spying on Your Internet Activity

October 18, 2011
Social scientists are tracking the things we do on the internet, including website searches, Twitter messages, Facebook and blog posts, as well as the digital location trails generated by billions of cell phones. This isn't simple spying--or so they say... continued

Have Brunch with Anne Strieber!

October 18, 2011
At the upcoming conference in New York City on October 22-23, Anne Strieber will be speaking to a select group of people at a special brunch. She will talk about her scientific discoveries about WHY the Visitors are contacting and... continued

What Happens when Fish get Aggressive

October 17, 2011
An angry glare from the family goldfish might not be the result of a missed meal, but a too-humble abode. Fish in a cramped, barren space turn mean. Ornamental fishes in aquariums big and small, across the US, might be... continued

Old Sinners Picked the Right Parents

October 17, 2011
People may be getting sick and dying at a younger age than they used to, although some people seem to have found the legendary Fountain of Youth. But people who live to 95 or older are no more virtuous than the... continued

When the Milky Way Went Mad

October 17, 2011
There's a black hole in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, and we now have evidence that it "acted up" during the 200 years of the Renaissance, around 1450-1650, sending out a massive blast of X-rays. How do we... continued

Whitley and Anne Speaking in New York City

October 14, 2011
Whitley and Anne Strieber will both be speaking at a UFO conference to be held on October 22-23 at the Community Church of New York on 40 East 35th Street in New York City. Richard Dolan and Linda Moulton Howe... continued

A Shipwreck Filled with Treasure–Who Owns It?

October 14, 2011
A shipwreck containing 200 tons of silver has been discovered in the Atlantic ocean. It's the large haul of precious metal ever discovered at sea. The question is: Who gets to keep it? The SS Gairsoppa, a UK cargo ship... continued

How the Mayans Escaped

October 14, 2011
There are Mayan secrets that have not yet been revealed, and one of these may have been an escape route from a volcano in El Salvador. On an August evening 1,400 years ago the Loma Caldera volcano erupted a short... continued

Come Say Hello to the Dead

October 14, 2011
A surprising number of people see ghosts, and sometimes even have physical contact with them. One hairdresser saw her dead customer, who told her, "Nina, I can't stay long. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for... continued