A Wonderful New Tool to Detect Climate Change

October 14, 2011
Not all Smartphone "apps" are ominous--some of them are wonderful (and fun!). Here's another lifesaving app (but it's NOT on your phone): researchers have designed and built a mobile research facility to trace and identify the origin of greenhouse gases.... continued

Blimp Trucks

October 13, 2011
Look up in the sky: Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a UFO? No, it's a delivery blimp! NASA is developing the new generation of airships, which it believes will replace heavily polluting trucks, trains and... continued

WEAR Your Wi-Fi

October 13, 2011
The next generation of communications systems could be built with a sewing machine. To make communications devices more reliable, researchers are finding ways to incorporate radio antennas directly into clothing, using plastic film and metallic thread. And you'll be able... continued

Whitley and Anne to Speak at Conference in New York City

October 12, 2011
Whitley and Anne Strieber will both be speaking at a UFO conference to be held on October 22-23 at the Community Church of New York on 40 East 35th Street in New York City. Richard Dolan and Linda Moulton Howe... continued

The Mystery of the Aborigines–Where Did They Come From?

October 12, 2011
When British convicts were sent to Australia in the 18th and 19th centuries, they found that the island nation was already populated, but no one could figure out where these people had come from. The land was so isolated that... continued

Birds Can be Bullies Too

October 12, 2011
Just like humans, birds that are abused when they're young are more likely to become abusers themselves later on. Adult Nazca boobies, seabirds that live on the Galapagos Islands, often attack their neighbors' young. These bullied nestlings then turn into... continued

How Men are Weathering the Recession

October 12, 2011
The acute economic downturn that began in 2008 sometimes is called the "mancession" to reflect its harsher impact on men than women. As recently as last November, over 10% of adult men were unemployed as compared to 8% of women.... continued

Trucks Spread Superbugs

October 11, 2011
Humans aren't the only ones who use roads to travel from place to place--superbugs do too! Antibiotic resistant E. Coli is much more common in rural villages situated along roads than in towns located away from them, which suggests that... continued

(Finally) Fusion in our Future?

October 11, 2011
The Chinese claim to have perfected cold fusion (which may be why they--and almost everyone else--wants to go--or in our case, return (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show)--to the moon in order to scoop up the Helium 3 that's... continued

The REdiscovery of New Planets

October 11, 2011
In a continuing search for other planets that may harbor life, re-analysis of Hubble Space Telescope images from 1998, astronomers have found evidence for two extrasolar planets that went undetected back then. Four giant planets are known to orbit the... continued