Invaded by the Green Stuff?

October 7, 2011
That green stuff growing in your house isn't decorative: A record amount of rain combined with 100-plus-degree days has spawned the highest mold count recorded for the year, just short of an air pollution warning. And that is just for... continued

Soon People will Live for a Thousand Years

October 7, 2011
The first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born--at least that's what longevity researcher Aubrey de Grey thinks. He also thinks that scientists are about to be able to "cure" ageing. Even more incredibly,... continued

Why You Love Your Phone

October 7, 2011
It's not just because you can have sex with it. Biologists and mathematicians have discovered that nature follows a formula known as the "golden mean," which refers to the proportions found in nature. It is a ratio based on "pi,"... continued

Doctors Make a Dangerous Decision

October 5, 2011
Representative Michele Bachmann, who may be the Republican candidate in 2012, has been quoted as saying that the vaccine to prevent cervical cancer is "dangerous." Meanwhile, her husband runs a religious clinic that tries to turn gays "straight." It turns... continued

Climate Change Facts are CLASSIFIED

October 5, 2011
By now, climate change is obvious to everyone except the most ardent deniers. But the data collected by the Center on Climate Change and National Security remains classified. What are they hiding from us? In, David Kravets describes a... continued

William Henry on Ancient Aliens Show

October 4, 2011
William Henry will be on the popular History Channel show "Ancient Aliens," talking about "Ancient Aliens and the Founding Fathers," at 9 p.m. Pacific and EST on Wednesday, October 5th. Were our founding fathers contactees or stargate walkers? Don't miss... continued

Whitley and Anne Speaking in New York City

October 4, 2011
Whitley and Anne Strieber will both be speaking at a UFO conference to be held on October 22-23 at the Community Church of New York on 40 East 35th Street in New York City. Richard Dolan and Linda Moulton Howe... continued

A Simple Cure for Insomnia–Lose the TV

October 4, 2011
More than 40% of Americans say they don't get enough sleep, and the culprit could be watching TV in bed. A new study by the National Sleep Foundation found that 95% of people polled had used some sort of electronic... continued

Movie to be Made About Betty and Barney Hill

October 4, 2011
This was one of the first UFO abductions to be taken seriously by the media. On the night of September19, 1961, a biracial couple named Betty and Barney Hill were driving home to them and then rapidly descending down toward... continued

Did Comet Cause Massive Solar Explosion on Oct. 1?

October 4, 2011
A few hours after a comet discovered by amateur astronomers on September 30 impacted the sun, a massive coronal mass ejection took place directly opposite the object's impact point. Previously, solar scientists would have assumed that this wasa coincidence, but... continued