Time is NOT Like We Think it Is

September 27, 2011
One of the main dogmas of physics is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but at the CERN collider, some subatomic particles seem to have exceeded this speed, breaking all known laws of physics. Neutrinos sent... continued

Whitley and Anne to Speak at Conference in New York City

September 27, 2011
Whitley and Anne Strieber will both be speaking at a UFO conference to be held on October 22-23. Richard Dolan and Linda Moulton Howe will be speaking there as well (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). At a... continued

The Pills in Your Medicine Cabinet May be Worthless

September 26, 2011
Despite the name, the medicine cabinet is the WORST place to store drugs because of the high heat and humidity in a bathroom, both of which can damage prescriptions and over-the-counter meds. Pharmaceutical manufacturers recommend most of their products be... continued

How Fatherhood Changes Men

September 26, 2011
The (mostly) male hormone testosterone drops after a man becomes a parent, probably so that he will care for his infant, rather than try to kill him or push him out of the nest, as some other creatures do. In... continued

Smoking Pot is Good for Soldiers

September 24, 2011
In Vietnam, a lot of soldiers smoked marijuana, we assumed in order to make the trauma of war easier to take. Now we know another reason: In a study performed on rats, the researchers found that marijuana does not erase... continued

Can we relate to dolphins? Or should we leave them alone?

September 24, 2011
Some researchers think we should leave them alone, but biologist Denise L. Herzing, who is the world's leading authority on dolphins and has been studying them for 25 years, believes in relating to them. In the September 20th edition of... continued

Nazca Lines in the Middle East–As Mysterious as Those in Peru

September 24, 2011
The mysterious "Nazca lines" in Peru that can only be "read" from the air (despite the fact that they were made by an early culture without access to aircraft) can be seen in the Middle East as well. They stretch... continued

Cooling the Earth: Pollution and Cosmic Rays

September 23, 2011
Pollution causes climate change and also helps prevent it, but what it does MOST is make it hard to forecast what will happen to our weather in the future (if you order our beautiful new crop circle calendar by Sept.... continued

A Father With 150 Kids

September 22, 2011
In-vitro fertilization, or IVF, is becoming common today as potential parents grow older, but there aren't enough sperm donors to go around. The result? Families whose children are all related, through their fathers. One investigator found that one sperm donor... continued

Listen for the Lies

September 21, 2011
Don't vote for the laughing candidate or the depressed candidate--vote for the candidate who will keep JUNK SCIENCE out of the White House! Alas, this is neither Rick Perry nor Michele Bachmann. In the September 20th edition of the New... continued