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Crime: Some People are BORN For It!
September 8, 2011When solving crimes, forensic scientists rely on fingerprints (the disappearance of which were a major part of the "Cooper Curse") because no two prints are alike. But what if someone was born WITHOUT finger prints? That would make them perfect... continued
The Secret Behind the Arab Spring
September 7, 2011Riots in the Middle East are inspiring similar riots in the West. Last February in his online journal, Whitley Strieber offered the opinion that the Arab world was exploding not because of a dislike of dictatorships, but because food prices... continued
Texas is Burning
September 7, 2011Texas is home to presidential candidate Rick Perry, who denies global warming, but parts of the state are burning, due to a drought of historic proportions that has been intensified by excessive atmospheric heating predicted in global warming models. It... continued
Back to School, Back to Bullies?
September 7, 2011Bullying: Although it’s often mistakenly considered a normal part of growing up, bullying is a serious problem that affects millions of children and adolescents. Almost 30% of US teens--more than 5.7 million--are estimated to be involved in bullying as either... continued
Take a Trip with William Henry!
September 6, 2011It will be like no other trip you've ever taken before! William Henry, the host of Revelations, has another Nashville event coming up September 9-11 (his tenth). He says, "The theme of 'The Anointed' is this: We need to embrace... continued
Banks are in Trouble for Mortgage Scams
September 6, 2011If you've been a victim of a widespread mortgage scam, you'll be glad to know that banks are not getting away with it. The federal agency that runs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is getting ready to file suits against... continued
The High Tech Search for Life on Mars
September 6, 2011One reason we may not have discovered the definitive answer to the question of whether there is life on Mars is because we have not used the right TOOLS to detect it. But now NASA is getting ready to send... continued
Our Economy is Faltering Because We’re Not Bored
September 3, 2011What can be done to create more JOBS? ONE thing we can do is become more bored, because boredom leads to the kind of innovation that creates new kinds of employment. Maybe one of the problems with the economy is... continued
Marriage: A Chance to Have a Good Fight
September 2, 2011Think about how much you fight and argue with your partner or spouse today. A new study suggests that your current level of conflict probably won’t change much for the remainder of your relationship. Maybe that's something to THINK about... continued
Don’t Eat Off Your Desk!
September 2, 2011First we found out that business travel is dangerous, then we found out that staying in your office and inhaling the dust on your desk is dangerous too! Now we learn that trying to save money by eating at your... continued