A Surprising New Biofuel

September 2, 2011
We may eventually end up eating it, but a far better use for it would be to burn it as fuel. And we won't use our own--we'll use panda poop instead! It turns out that while pandas may have trouble... continued

How to Remember (and Forget)

September 2, 2011
Do depressed people make better political candidates because they remember more history (and are thus not doomed to repeat it)? Sad people have another political advantage: they are better than happy people at recognizing faces. You'd think you'd forget the... continued

What is the Thinnest State?

September 1, 2011
What state has the thinnest population--and WHY? You'd think it would be California--where health food abounds and fruits and vegetables are grown--or even New York, where everyone seems to have a gym or health club membership. But it's none of... continued

Microwave Malaria Away

September 1, 2011
As the climate heats up (something the Master of the Key warned Whitley about), countries north of the equator may have the same of mosquito-borne diseases that plague tropical countries now. But a cure may be on the way: the... continued

Military Suicides: A Surprising Cause

August 31, 2011
There are too many suicides among soldiers in our military (and even one is too many). One would assume this is due to getting "Dear John" letters from wives and girlfriends back home or from the carnage and stress of... continued

Why Vitamins Can be DANGEROUS

August 31, 2011
Many supplements contain ingredients from China and some of these are POISONOUS and can even cause cancer. While labels tell you if a food comes from China (if you know how to read the code), the ingredients in vitamins and... continued

Hot Weather May Make Us Fat

August 31, 2011
It's not cool to be fat, but fat people may be cool. Fat dogs are cool, and obese people may be, too. Psychologist Roberto Refinetti studied the relationship between body temperature and body weight in lean and obese dogs. His... continued

Pesticides May Cause Parkinsons

August 30, 2011
Two years ago, researchers announced they had discovered a link between Parkinson's disease and two chemicals commonly sprayed on crops to fight pests. The study examined people who simply lived near where farm fields were sprayed with the fungicide maneb... continued

A Mysterious Rumble is Driving Canadians Crazy

August 30, 2011
Strange sounds--usually hums--have bothered people all over the world in the past few years. Now there is a mysterious rattling and humming sound in Windsor, Canada that is spreading and getting worse, and authorities are still don't know what's causing... continued

What’s Happening to Animals is a CRIME

August 30, 2011
An immense, increasingly sophisticated illegal trade in wildlife parts conducted by organized crime, coupled with antiquated enforcement methods, are decimating the world's most beloved species including rhinos, tigers, and elephants on a scale never before seen. Much of the trade... continued