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The Secret of the Mona Lisa
August 29, 2011Art by some of the most famous painters in history, such as Leonardo DaVinci (who painted, among other things, the Mona Lisa) is often described in writings by their contemporaries. When the paintings that have been written about can no... continued
Will We Run Out of Food in the Future?
August 29, 2011Due to Hurricane Irene, we're mostly hearing about flooding in the US at the moment, but there is a drought of historic proportions going on in Texas right now. Climate change will lead to even more weather extremes in the... continued
Why UFO Sightings are Not Reported
August 26, 2011One of the reasons there is no "official" disclosure is undoubtedly because so few UFO sightings are reported--and when they are, they are not documented by the mainstream media. In the Columbia Daily Tribune, Bill Wickersham writes: "For more than... continued
The Reason Things Seem Sexier Now
August 26, 2011The portrayal of women in the popular media over the last several decades has become increasingly sexualized, even "pornified." The same is not true of the portrayal of men. This could be a reflection of what's happening to women's lives... continued
Your Clothes Dryer is KILLING You
August 26, 2011It seems like EVERYTHING is dangerous these days--but dryer vents? It turns out that the scented air wafting from household laundry vents, due to scented detergent or dryer sheets, can be hazardous. Some of these products even contain chemicals that... continued
TV Ads are Sneaking into our Brains
August 26, 2011A new study helps explain why some ads seem to stick in our minds. It turns out that certain types of commercials trick the hippocampus area of the brain (where long-term memories are stored) believing that the scene we just... continued
Why This Generation is LESS Healthy Than the Last One
August 25, 2011Despite so many medical breakthroughs, increased life expectancy in the United States has NOT been accompanied by more years of perfect health. A 20-year-old today can expect to live one less healthy year over his or her lifespan than a... continued
We Can All Become Psychic
August 25, 2011There are psychics, like Marla Frees (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) and then there are the REST of us. Every day we make thousands of tiny predictions--when the bus will arrive, who is knocking on the door,... continued
Pollution Isn’t Just Bad for People
August 24, 2011Pollution isn't good for us, and if you were exposed to organophosphate pesticides while pregnant, your kids may have lower IQs. One of these pesticides is malathion, which is commonly used on houseplants. And FISH are suffering from pollution too!... continued
We May Have Discovered the Fountain of Youth
August 24, 2011But it's not a place, it's a pill. Researcher Linda Partridge claims that by taking a single pill every day from middle-age on, we will grow old free from illnesses of the body and mind such as Alzheimer's and heart... continued