Your Next Big Vacation Adventure

August 11, 2011
No, it's not Chernobyl, although the Ukraine is encouraging tourism there. Private companies are poised to take over space travel and now the newest thing in travel thrills is private submarines, which are heading for the abysmal deep, where the... continued

Why an NFL Player Killed Himself but Saved his Brain

August 10, 2011
Retired NFL player Dave Duerson had endured so much pain that he killed himself--but he did it in such a way that he could will his brain to medical science so it could be studied in order to find out... continued

China is Becoming Dangerous

August 10, 2011
Is China a friend or an enemy of the US? This is a country that can be dangerous--and not just because of the adulterated food and fake medicine they export. It turns out they are undertaking a massive spy operation... continued

Baseball is a Game Filled with Pranks

August 10, 2011
As the baseball season winds down, it's worth looking at the kinds of pranks that players play on each other. One prank that's been done is loading up an orange with shots of an oral numbing ointment and waiting for... continued

There’s a Spy in Granny’s Slippers

August 9, 2011
Engineers who work for giant telecommunications companies or small start-ups are inventing products that can send messages--from a diaper that lets parents know their baby needs changing, to slippers that can tell when your grandmother might be about to fall... continued

How Past Tragedies Can Predict the Present

August 9, 2011
Past nuclear disasters can give us a clue about what may happen to the area around the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown in Japan. One of these is Chernobyl, where the same thing happened 25 years ago. Another is in Japan,... continued

Vote for the Candidate Who Seems the Most Depressed

August 9, 2011
Can depression be good for you--or make you more creative? Or is the whole depression thing a big hoax? It's been discovered that some of our greatest leaders were severely depressed people. We can understand why people become depressed AFTER... continued

Scientists Gossip About God

August 8, 2011
People do it, birds do it, and now quantum physicists do it: Gossip. Right now there are TWO competing particle accelerators smashing together subatomic particles--CERN (the Large Hadron Collider, which started operating outside Geneva) and the less well-known Tevatron, at... continued

What Football Does to Players’ Heads

August 8, 2011
Now that the NFL has signed a contract that will allow the football season to begin again, it's worth thinking about what the game is doing to players' brains. Walking and thinking at the same time--not to mention THINKING AND... continued

Where the Next War Will Be

August 5, 2011
The next war may be when China tries to reclaim Taiwan OR it may be when Russia tries to reclaim the Arctic. Russia's defense minister says the military will deploy two army brigades--of thousands of soldiers each--to help protect the... continued