Beware of the Shark You Can’t SEE

August 12, 2011
In scientists' endless quest for the secret of invisibility, we now have a cloak that makes SOUND invisible. Now they are studying a group of sharks that can sneak up on their prey by seeming to becoming one with the... continued

Mysterious Alaska Slime Indentified

August 12, 2011
This isn't the first case of a mysterious goo that we've heard of. This time, the results are as big a mystery as the slime itself. In the Inuit village of Kivalina in Alaska, a strange orange goo was floating... continued

We May All be Martians

August 12, 2011
It's been discovered that DNA can travel on a meteorite, meaning that life on Earth could have been seeded from another planet--maybe even Mars. If that's the case, we don't need to look for life on Mars--we're looking at it... continued

New Space Fuel is Already in Space!

August 12, 2011
Even if we delegate future space travel to private companies, they will still need fuel in order to fly around, once they used conventional means to get off the earth. An unmanned space probe called the Pamela, launched 5 years... continued

Be a SPY with your Smartphone

August 11, 2011
Spies are everywhere these days (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) and their new tools--Smartphone cameras connected to social media networks--give them more power than ever. The OLD spies--in places like the Soviet Union and East Germany--would have... continued

Bin-Laden Killing: Everything We Were Told is a Lie

August 11, 2011
When our brave Navy SEALS captured Osama bin-Laden, who turned out to be hidden in plain sight in the vicinity of a military academy in Pakistan, many of us in the US began to wonder if Pakistan is really a... continued

Your Next Big Vacation Adventure

August 11, 2011
No, it's not Chernobyl, although the Ukraine is encouraging tourism there. Private companies are poised to take over space travel and now the newest thing in travel thrills is private submarines, which are heading for the abysmal deep, where the... continued

Why an NFL Player Killed Himself but Saved his Brain

August 10, 2011
Retired NFL player Dave Duerson had endured so much pain that he killed himself--but he did it in such a way that he could will his brain to medical science so it could be studied in order to find out... continued

China is Becoming Dangerous

August 10, 2011
Is China a friend or an enemy of the US? This is a country that can be dangerous--and not just because of the adulterated food and fake medicine they export. It turns out they are undertaking a massive spy operation... continued

Baseball is a Game Filled with Pranks

August 10, 2011
As the baseball season winds down, it's worth looking at the kinds of pranks that players play on each other. One prank that's been done is loading up an orange with shots of an oral numbing ointment and waiting for... continued