The Mystery of Easter Island

August 4, 2011
Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is one of the world's most isolated places, 1,500 miles from the nearest populated island in the Pacific. It contains almost no vegetation. When the Westerners visited the island, they were amazed at... continued

China May be Preparing for an Invasion of Taiwan

August 4, 2011
On Dreamland on July 29, Jim Marrs warned that China has been testing electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against US aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, and now press reports are appearing that such research is taking place.... continued

Exercise is Good for the BRAIN

August 3, 2011
We know that exercise is good for the body, but now researchers have found that it's also good for the BRAIN: Both aerobic exercise and strength training play a vital role in maintaining brain and cognitive health throughout life. Here's... continued

Is it Time to Come Out of the Closet?

August 3, 2011
Scientists have long tried to figure out why some people are gay. Despite certain religious and political statements to the contrary, it's well known that people are born with this predilection, and not only that--it's a "spectrum," like autism, meaning... continued

What Makes an Athlete?

August 3, 2011
As the baseball season winds down and the football season is poised (hopefully) to begin, it's interesting to think about why some people become professional athletes and others don't. It's not just a matter of talent and determination--it also involves... continued

The US Corn Crop May Fail

August 2, 2011
If the drought that is now gripping the Midwest is not interrupted soon by substantial rain, the US corn crop could fail entirely, or be brought in at a much diminished level (is this one reason why some people are... continued

CERN Got a Glimpse of God

August 2, 2011
At the Large Hadron Collider (CERN), scientists are smashing subatomic particles together at close to the speed of light, hoping to see the "God particle," otherwise known as the Higgs Boson (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Now... continued

Can our Oceans Keep Cleaning Up our Air?

August 2, 2011
How deep is the ocean’s capacity to buffer against climate change? Right now our oceans absorb almost one-third of all our greenhouse gas emissions. During the past three decades, increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide have largely been matched by corresponding... continued

The Kindest Cut Was Almost Banned

August 1, 2011
A US judge recently ruled that a proposal to ban circumcision of male infants in San Francisco should not be put to a referendum later this year. Meanwhile, in Africa--where there is a plague of heterosexual AIDS--grown men are being... continued

Mysterious Billion Dollar Bet

August 1, 2011
On Thursday, an unknown entity placed a one billion dollar trade in the bond futures market that will profit if US interest rates rise. This means that a major proprietary trader almost certainly knows either that the Federal Reserve will... continued