Prediction: Aliens Will be Here in 20 Years

July 8, 2011
Disclosure may not be coming, but this may become irrelevant, if the aliens themselves show up soon. A top Russian astronomer say he expects humans to encounter extraterrestrial civilizations within the next 20 years. In the Guardian, George Sherman quotes... continued

Does Arab TV Broadcast Dangerous Messages?

July 7, 2011
Nidal Hasan, the alleged shooter in the Fort Hood massacre, will soon face a military trial and could, if convicted, be sentenced to death. Hasan was radicalized by jihadist websites on the internet, which brings up concerns about Al Jazeera,... continued

Airports Make it Rain

July 7, 2011
We've told you why, if you live in a city, it always rains on the weekends. Now we're warning you again: If you're thinking of moving to a home or office near your local airport, you'd better think twice: areas... continued

Going to a Party? Don’t Forget Your Phone!

July 7, 2011
Be sure to take your smartphone to your next party or business meeting (whether or not you are sexting)! Engineers are developing software that helps people locate their friends in a crowd and make new friends who share similar interests.... continued

We’re All Starting to Talk Alike (except for whales)

July 6, 2011
According to speech language pathologists, the southern drawl and Pittsburgh's famous “yunz” may, very soon, be gone. Meanwhile, WHALE accents are getting MORE distinctive (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). When they dive together, sperm whales make patterns... continued

Can Biodegradable be BAD?

July 6, 2011
Research shows that so-called biodegradable products are actually doing more harm than good in landfills, because they are releasing a powerful greenhouse gas as they break down. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines call for products marked as “biodegradable” to decompose... continued

Beware of Internet Sex

July 5, 2011
We told you that there are spies on Facebook, but what's dangerous is sex offenders lurking on social media sites. Students and young adults are highly susceptible to being contacted by internet sex offenders from the very first time a... continued

Will Flowers Save Japan?

July 5, 2011
The earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March damaged several of their power plants, releasing large amounts of radioactive material into the water and into the soil around the Fukushima reactor. Now a group of citizens have started a... continued

Close Call!

July 5, 2011
An asteroid the size of a city bus had a close call with earth on June 27th. The flyby was so close that it came nearer to us than some satellites are., Tariq Malik reports that the arriving space... continued

What You Should Know if You’re Grilling Hot Dogs Today

July 5, 2011
Cold cuts are generally safe, but hot dogs can be dangerous (at least our food isn't as bad as what they're eating in China!) The big problem with hot dogs is the chemical nitrite that's used to preserve them. It... continued