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Job Hunters: Be Careful What You Post on the Internet
July 26, 2011Not everybody is happy about being in debt. People who are looking for a job should be concerned that they are being rated on social media sites. Companies have long used criminal background checks when someone applies for a job,... continued
Can You Catch a Disease from Restaurant Dishes?
July 25, 2011Can you catch the flu from your restaurant plate? It's an important question: There are 20 million cases of acute gastroenteritis and 128,000 hospitalizations a year that are attributed to food-borne illness. Food expert Melvin Pascall says, "While there are... continued
Use a Crystal Ball to Detect Terrorism
July 25, 2011If we could see the future, we would be able to head off potential nuclear strikes. Now researchers have discovered how to use a crystal ball to protect homeland security: They've developed crystals that can be used to detect nuclear... continued
China’s Pollution is Staving Off Climate Change
July 25, 2011It's like a bargain made with the devil: It turns out we have China's POLLUTION to thank for the reason climate change hasn't made the weather warmer. Smoke belching from Asia's rapidly growing economies is largely responsible for a halt... continued
Our Website Has Been Updated
July 25, 2011The Climate Watch section of Unknowncountry.com has been updated, and indicates that exceptional heat is gripping the whole northern hemisphere, even as intense cold affects the southern. Dangerous drought conditions are affecting the Southwestern US and the Horn of Africa, and if... continued
It’s Not Always What It Looks Like
July 22, 2011See the beautiful ivy growing up that wall? On closer inspection, those leaves turn out to be--solar panels! And we may really need them soon, if sunspot activity turns off our electrical grids. This new product is called Solar Ivy... continued
MORE Secrets Discovered in Giza Pyramid
July 22, 2011A robot camera has revealed markings inside tunnels beneath the Giza Plateau that have remained unseen for at least 4,500 years. The hieroglyphic symbols are in red paint and may have been made by masons when the chamber was being... continued
There’s another Nessie–This Time in Alaska
July 22, 2011Alaska has its own Loch Ness Monster. It's been seen in Cadboro Bay, and has been tentatively identified as a Cadborosaurus, a carnivorous marine reptile that lived during the dinosaur era and was thought to have gone extinct at the... continued
Could a Sudden Massive Methane Release Happen Again?
July 22, 2011We're still releasing the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere today, but there was a massive release in the past: About 55 million years ago, the Earth burped up a massive release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere--an amount... continued
Humans Aren’t the Only Ones Who Listen to Gossip
July 22, 2011Ground-nesting birds have a hard time raising their young, with many eggs and chicks falling prey to predators like chipmunks. One way they overcome these problems is by eavesdropping on the chips, chucks and trills that their enemies the chipmunks... continued