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Need a New Heart? PRINT It!
July 12, 2011There is a great shortage of organs for transplanting to people who need them--in the UK, for instance, the average wait for a new heart has risen 70% over the last 3 years and patients needing a new kidney have... continued
Who’s Next?
July 11, 2011We recently had a close call, and it turns out that the UK is one of the most vulnerable places on Earth, when it comes to an impact from a space rock. Experts there have created a chart showing which... continued
Dust Can be Dangerous
July 11, 2011In a study of 31 Boston offices, PBDE flame retardants, which are now banned internationally by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, were detected in every one. Researchers think the concentrations of PBDEs in office dust are linked to... continued
Karma is REAL!
July 8, 2011Karma (the act of getting back what you give) is real and the Dalai Lama knows it. Now scientists know it too. In the May 28th edition of the Vancouver Sun, Karen Gram describes his gift of a candy bar... continued
Your Movements Can be Secretly Tracked
July 8, 2011Ever get the feeling you're being spied on? (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show). The Air Force is working on a camera that can track you, no matter where you go. All they need to do is record... continued
Prediction: Aliens Will be Here in 20 Years
July 8, 2011Disclosure may not be coming, but this may become irrelevant, if the aliens themselves show up soon. A top Russian astronomer say he expects humans to encounter extraterrestrial civilizations within the next 20 years. In the Guardian, George Sherman quotes... continued
Does Arab TV Broadcast Dangerous Messages?
July 7, 2011Nidal Hasan, the alleged shooter in the Fort Hood massacre, will soon face a military trial and could, if convicted, be sentenced to death. Hasan was radicalized by jihadist websites on the internet, which brings up concerns about Al Jazeera,... continued
Airports Make it Rain
July 7, 2011We've told you why, if you live in a city, it always rains on the weekends. Now we're warning you again: If you're thinking of moving to a home or office near your local airport, you'd better think twice: areas... continued
Going to a Party? Don’t Forget Your Phone!
July 7, 2011Be sure to take your smartphone to your next party or business meeting (whether or not you are sexting)! Engineers are developing software that helps people locate their friends in a crowd and make new friends who share similar interests.... continued
We’re All Starting to Talk Alike (except for whales)
July 6, 2011According to speech language pathologists, the southern drawl and Pittsburgh's famous “yunz” may, very soon, be gone. Meanwhile, WHALE accents are getting MORE distinctive (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). When they dive together, sperm whales make patterns... continued