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Can Biodegradable be BAD?
July 6, 2011Research shows that so-called biodegradable products are actually doing more harm than good in landfills, because they are releasing a powerful greenhouse gas as they break down. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines call for products marked as “biodegradable” to decompose... continued
Beware of Internet Sex
July 5, 2011We told you that there are spies on Facebook, but what's dangerous is sex offenders lurking on social media sites. Students and young adults are highly susceptible to being contacted by internet sex offenders from the very first time a... continued
Will Flowers Save Japan?
July 5, 2011The earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March damaged several of their power plants, releasing large amounts of radioactive material into the water and into the soil around the Fukushima reactor. Now a group of citizens have started a... continued
Close Call!
July 5, 2011An asteroid the size of a city bus had a close call with earth on June 27th. The flyby was so close that it came nearer to us than some satellites are. LiveScience.com, Tariq Malik reports that the arriving space... continued
What You Should Know if You’re Grilling Hot Dogs Today
July 5, 2011Cold cuts are generally safe, but hot dogs can be dangerous (at least our food isn't as bad as what they're eating in China!) The big problem with hot dogs is the chemical nitrite that's used to preserve them. It... continued
Support our Women Warriors
July 4, 2011When we say we support our troops, we should include WOMEN in that too. Women are the fastest growing segment in the US military, already accounting for approximately 14% of deployed forces. According to statistics from the Department of Veterans... continued
Celebrating the Fourth of July
July 4, 2011When we realized that the US is the only country in which the right to be at least TRY to be happy is actually part of the constitution ("the pursuit of happiness"), we decided that, in order to celebrate the... continued
New Helicopter Flies Like a UFO
July 1, 2011An Austrian company has created a new type of aircraft to replace the helicopter--a plane that flies like a UFO (but it's not there yet, and if you fly on it, you'll still have to go through airport security). It... continued
Were Russians Working on Iranian Nukes Murdered?
July 1, 2011Five Russian scientists who were advising Iranian nuclear experts on the design of an Iranian atomic facility were among the 44 killed in a recent air crash in Russia. Iranian nuclear experts have been involved in similar accidents in the... continued
If You Visit China, Don’t Eat the Food!
July 1, 2011The Chinese may not need to wait 20 years for smoking or asbestos to kill them--FOOD may do it much sooner! They've sent some pretty bad food over here, but the things they feed their own people are much worse:... continued