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Animals Under Pressure are Learning to Defend Themselves
June 27, 2011Our animals are becoming so beleaguered that they are learning techniques of self defense. For instance, fish are learning how to locate (and thus avoid) Dead zones. These have long been a source of concern around the world, including in... continued
Millions of Cancer Cases Coming to Asia
June 27, 2011And we're not just talking about power plant meltdowns in Japan! In the US, your tattoo is a time bomb, but in Asia (especially China) it's either smoking (there will be an epidemic of lung cancer and emphysema there in... continued
Japan May be Hiding the Extent of its Power Plant Disaster
June 23, 2011Scientific experts believe Japan's nuclear disaster, which started with an earthquake on March 11, which caused a tsunami that destroyed the cooling systems at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) nuclear plant in Fukushima, is far worse than the government... continued
How Soup is Causing a Needless Slaughter
June 23, 2011Scientists can identify zebras by their "bar codes"--now they can identify shark fins by zip code. Shark fins are illegally poached by the Chinese in order to make one of their great delicacies: shark fin soup. Tens of millions of... continued
We Have Lost the War on Drugs
June 23, 2011The war on the drugs is failing miserably: Narcotics use rose by 35% worldwide from 1998-2008, in spite of anti-drug efforts. A new Global Commission on Drug Policy report says that that anti-drug policies have failed by encouraging organized crime,... continued
Why Our Brains are Smaller Now
June 23, 2011Archeologists have found evidence from 20,000 to 30,000-year-old human skulls that both human height and brain size are shrinking. The cause of this? Farming. This shrinkage started about 10,000 years ago, when humans moved from the hunter-gatherer life to agriculture.... continued
Most Overdoses are Caused by Common Drugstore Painkiller
June 22, 2011Overdoses of the common household drug acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol) leads to more than 78,000 emergency department visits a year. Consumers take Tylenol to reduce pain or fever, but few of them realize that when misused, acetaminophen can... continued
Ghost Towns Springing Up Across US
June 22, 2011Not the kinds with real ghosts in them (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) but places that used to be bustling communities that are now almost empty. In an increasing number of American communities, more residents are dying... continued
Christmas is Not the Giving Season
June 22, 2011It's spring! Many people are relieved that this spring, which brought terrible weather to many places, has past, and that summer is here. Does spring weather really change our behavior? Recent studies show that temperature influences us at an unconscious... continued
We’ve Discovered a New Kind of Shooting Star
June 21, 2011One that is shooting water! A geyser of water is spurting up from the poles of a star that is 750 light-years from the earth at a rate of 124,000 mpg, creating "water bullets" that it shoots deep into space.... continued