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Yet Another Species is Under Stress–Penguins!
June 16, 2011First it was birds, then bees and bats, then dolphins and whales and other People of the Sea (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Now 600 dead penguins have washed up on the shore of Uruguay, on their... continued
Do Violent Video Games Make People Violent?
June 15, 2011Our video games may be spying on us, but what ELSE are they doing? How much scientific evidence is there for and against the assertion that exposure to video game violence can harm teens? And it's not just violence that's... continued
Your Tattoo is a Timebomb
June 15, 2011People have been getting tattoos for thousands of years, and today, nearly half of all adults younger than 40 have at least one tattoo, and it's not just youth who are getting them: many middle-class ladies are getting permanent makeup... continued
Are More Quakes on the Way?
June 15, 2011Major new earthquakes in New Zealand make us wonder: Are more on the way--and if so, where will they strike? Scientists are warning that the northwest coast of the US could be devastated by a huge movement of undersea plates... continued
How a Game Can Predict What the Chinese Will Do
June 14, 2011The West has become so dependent on the Chinese economy that it's imperative to understand them. It turns out that a 2,000 year old board game that the Chinese play constantly (the way we play cards, chess or checkers) is... continued
Mysterious Events on the Sun
June 14, 2011Mysterious particles are coming from the sun and now mysterious WAVES are too. A huge storm on the sun on June 7th spewed out a massive amount of solar plasma. Astronomers can't figure out why the sun's corona is thousands... continued
Why it’s Wise to Play Your Hunch
June 14, 2011It’s an unfamiliar neighborhood and you find yourself in the middle of a bunch of streets and buildings you’ve never seen before. Giving the environment a quick once-over, you make a snap decision about whether you’re safe or not. And... continued
Your GPS May Not Work Anymore
June 13, 2011A new, ultra-fast wireless Internet network may overpower GPS signals across the US, interfering not only with the GPS in your car, but also airplanes. This is not just an annoyance: Researchers are unveiling a new tool to use GPS... continued
The Hum is Back
June 13, 2011A tiny English village is the latest place to become tortured by the "hum." The 300 residents of Woodland say that every night a noise fills the air that resembles to the throb of a car engine. Sometimes it's so... continued
Lost! (Or ARE They?)
June 10, 2011First, it was all of the records from the Roswell Army Air Field between 1947 and 1952--all "lost" when the General Accounting Office investigated the Roswell Incident for Congressman Steven Schiff in 1995. Then, as part of the latest British... continued