Bizarre Electrical Events in Texas Mirror Those in Italy Seven Years Ago

May 24, 2011
It happened seven years ago in Italy, and now it happened in Texas in May: An unusual electrical storm took place in Fort Worth on May 9, during which transformers exploded all over the city, but, as can be seen... continued

How to be Invisible

May 23, 2011
The brave soldiers who went in to take out Osama bin-Laden must have wished they could be invisible. Scientists are determined to figure out how to do this. If we succeed, it would certainly be an effective tool to use... continued

It’s a Dangerous Time to be an Astronaut

May 23, 2011
As if astronauts planning trips to the moon and Mars didn't have enough to worry about, they now have something else: heart attacks. Exposure to cosmic radiation outside the Earth's magnetic field could be detrimental to their arteries (NOTE: Subscribers... continued

What is the Mystery of Morgellons?

May 20, 2011
The skin condition that came to be called Morgellons was first noticed about 10 years ago. It consists of strange fibers poking out of the skin. At first it was dismissed as a form of psychological hysteria, but now it's... continued

Bad News in the North!

May 20, 2011
As if the recent resurgence of bed bugs wasn't bad enough, Canadian researchers have found some of the little blood-sucking critters carrying a potentially deadly superbug, and a recent survey has found that Chicago is the fifth-most bed-bug-infested city in... continued

Facebook is Using YOU to Fight its Battles

May 20, 2011
We've all learned that there are spies on Facebook, but despite this, the company has recently admitted that it secretly hired Burson-Marsteller, a PR firm whose clients include Microsoft, to generate stories critical of the privacy mistakes being made by... continued

Conned by Corn (AGAIN!)

May 19, 2011
In 1998, Whitley Strieber had never heard of climate change, but the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all about it (The new, UNCENSORED edition of The Key, with a foreword that... continued

Is God an Atomic Particle?

May 19, 2011
God affects the brain (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) and quantum physicists working at the CERN collider in Switzerland hope to isolate and identify the "God" particle (the Higgs boson). There's a rumor floating around that they've... continued

As the Election Heats Up, LISTEN to the Candidates

May 19, 2011
In 1998, a mysterious little man that Whitley Strieber calls the Master of the Key burst into his hotel room in Toronto and told him all kinds of things he didn't know--but when he checked them out later, he found... continued

WE are Funding Al-Qaeda and the Taliban

May 19, 2011
Pakistan's economy is almost entirely dependent on American taxpayers. The Pakistani military submits claims every month to the US Embassy in Islamabad and receipts are neither provided nor requested. Most of this money goes to fund the Taliban and al-Qaeda.... continued