To Stay Safe, We Need to Detect Radiation

April 19, 2011
The recent Japanese nuclear power plant meltdown has spurred scientists on to find better ways to detect radiation. They could also use these methods to search for countries (like Iran) that are secretly making nuclear weapons--as well as terrorists who... continued

Visit an Incredible Website

April 18, 2011
Whitley Strieber has just posted a beautiful video about his new novel Hybrids, in bookstores NOW. Go to the Hybrids website to watch it and to listen to Whitley read the first three chapters of the book. continued

What Happens When a Star Explodes

April 18, 2011
Using two of its new telescopes --one on the ground and one in space-- NASA have seen one of the most puzzling cosmic blasts ever observed, which seems to be the destruction of a massive star. Astronomers say they have... continued

How to Find a Zebra: Use Their Bar Code

April 18, 2011
A zebra's black-and-white stripes resemble a barcode--now biologists are USING them that way, to identify individual zebras from a photo. In StripeSpotter, a scientist draws a rectangle around an image of the zebra's side in a photo, then this part... continued

Pigs are Getting Aggressive

April 15, 2011
We told you earlier about how massive commercial hog farms are so disgusting that in Florida they're trying to pass a law making it illegal to photograph them. The conditions are so awful that pigs are ESCAPING! Researcher Paul Curtis... continued

Those Mysterious Booms are Back

April 15, 2011
Those mysterious booms are back--this time in Canada! Ontario's Environment Ministry is investigating reports of mysterious rumblings in that part of the country. In the Windsor Star, Dave Battagello quotes resident Sonya Skillings as saying, "It's in the ground and... continued

There are SPIES on Facebook

April 15, 2011
The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites, like Facebook, by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. So your "facebook friend" may really be a covert agent... continued

Thousands of UFO Documents Destroyed by FBI

April 15, 2011
The FBI received so many reports of UFO sightings in the 1940s that they destroyed thousands of them, saying they contained "nothing of FBI interest," due to lack of space in their filing cabinets. This information was recently released on... continued

Watch an Incredible Video!

April 14, 2011
Whitley Strieber has just posted a beautiful video about his new novel Hybrids, in bookstores NOW. Go to the Hybrids website to watch it and to listen to Whitley read the first three chapters of the book. continued

French Say Milk May be Dangerous

April 14, 2011
The French research group on radioactivity CRIIRAD is warning that the risks associated with iodine-131 contamination in Europe from the Japanese nuclear power plant meltdowns are no longer "negligible," and are advising pregnant women and infants against not to drink... continued