Wisdom at Half Price

April 5, 2011
When Whitley first learned about climate change from The Master of the Key, he followed the right path and wrote "The Coming Global Superstorm," which became the hit movie "The Day After Tomorrow." If YOU want to follow the right... continued

Lost Secrets of Christianity May be Revealed

April 5, 2011
Have the "Sealed Books" of Revelation been Found? A group of 70 ancient books, round with lead rings, were discovered in a cave in a remote valley in Jordan somewhere between 2005 and 2007, when a flash flood revealed two... continued

Last Days to Win Free Hybrids

April 5, 2011
There are only a few days to win a free copy of Hybrids (the contest ends on April 12, the day the Whitley's new novel is published). Subscribers already got to listen to the first 3 chapters of this fascinating... continued

Plague of Stink Bugs in 33 States

April 5, 2011
The tiny brown stink bug has been reported in 33 states so far this year. They get their name due to their smell of decaying garbage when they are squashed--and they lay 30 eggs a year! It seems to be... continued

Can We Predict Our Future?

April 4, 2011
In the future, can we get DNA tests as children to find out what types of diets to eat and what kinds of medicine to take? If only it was that easy. A new study suggests that, for most common... continued

Take the Right Path (and Save Money)

April 1, 2011
When Whitley first learned about climate change from The Master of the Key, he followed the right path and wrote "The Coming Global Superstorm," which became the hit movie "The Day After Tomorrow." If YOU want to follow the right... continued

Biofuel Can be Made from Beer

April 1, 2011
If you want to lose weight, maybe you should drink less beer. It turns out that beer may make a great new biofuel for cars (and this may be a better use for it!) So don't drink and drive--drive on... continued

Big Breasted Women Have Higher I.Q.s

April 1, 2011
Forget the "blonde" jokes--it turns out that big-breasted women have higher I.Q.s. Yes, a recent study of over a thousand women revealed that those with larger breasts score about 10 points higher on an I.Q. test than their flatter-chested sisters.... continued

Win a Free Copy of Whitley’s New Novel

April 1, 2011
You now have a chance to win a free copy of Hybrids, which will be in bookstores on April 12th. Are we all hybrids? Subscribers got to listen to the first 3 chapters of this fascinating novel, now you can... continued

Japan Meltdown, Radiation has Reached Seattle

April 1, 2011
Has Japan lost the race to save its Fukushima nuclear reactor? Highly radioactive water is now being detected in the ocean near the reactor because the radioactive core seems to have melted through the bottom of its containment vessel and... continued