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Win a Copy of Whitley’s New Novel!
March 28, 2011You now have a chance to win a free copy of Hybrids, which will be in bookstores on April 12th. Subscribers got to listen to the first 3 chapters of this fascinating novel, now you can get a copy FREE--but... continued
Can We Still Breathe Tomorrow?
March 28, 2011We don't have to worry about inhaling radiation from Japan, but as carbon dioxide levels have risen during the last 150 years, the density of pores that allow plants to breathe has dwindled by 34%, restricting the amount of water... continued
Prayer Power
March 25, 2011Saying a prayer may help many people feel less angry and behave less aggressively after someone has left them fuming. New studies show that people who were provoked by insulting comments from a stranger showed less anger and aggression soon... continued
A Surprising Sale
March 25, 2011For a limited time only, Whitley's famous meditation book The Path is now half price. This tarot card format for this book came to him as a sudden psychic download, while the incredibly effective meditation techniques are those he learned... continued
Why Men Just Can’t Win
March 25, 2011Poor men--they just can't win. TV ads for a certain baldness cure always show guys with "hot" babes, but a new study suggests that men who take the drug finasteride, commonly marketed under the trademark names Propecia and Proscar, may... continued
Win a Free Copy of Hybrids!
March 24, 2011You now have a chance to win a free copy of Hybrids, which will be in bookstores on April 12th. Subscribers got to listen to the first 3 chapters of this fascinating novel, now you can get a copy FREE--but hurry, supplies are... continued
Communicating With Your Robot (Part II)
March 24, 2011Could there be machines among us that we don't even notice, because they are so human? This is the premise behind Whitley's new novel, titled "Hybrids." (To enter the contest to receive a FREE copy, click here!) How would humans... continued
More on the Way?
March 24, 2011Some scientists say that more earthquakes are NOT immanent, but others strongly disagree. Are we in the midst of a worldwide plague of quakes? Three major quakes--the December 2004 Sumatra quake, the February 2010 Chile quake and now Sendai in... continued
Photographing the Invisible
March 24, 2011We have the scan and the pat down to thank for this: Science similar to the type used in airport body scanners could soon be used to detect everything from miniscule defects in aerospace vehicles and concrete bridges to skin... continued
There’s Something About That Book
March 23, 2011In our latest Insight, we talk about a Facebook message we received about an experience that is similar to one that Whitley wrote about in his book Transformation! Question: Could there be machines among us that we don't even notice,... continued