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Skip the Rice
March 11, 2011When you go out to a Chinese restaurant, be sure you know where the rice they're serving comes from: Up to 10% of the rice grown in China is contaminated with harmful heavy metals like cadmium, due to pollution from... continued
A Great Earthquake Strikes Japan. Tsunami Warning Across North Pacific. May Swamp Some Islands.
March 11, 2011An earthquake measuring between 8.4 and 8.9 on the Richter Scale has struck at a shallow depth off the coast of northern Japan and tsunami warnings have been posted for Russia, the Marcus Islands, the Northern Marianas and coastal Japan.... continued
Listen Carefully!
March 11, 2011Researchers have found that when choosing a partner, women believe the lower the man’s voice, the more likely he’s going to cheat. Men think the opposite: that a woman with a higher voice is more likely to be unfaithful. Participants... continued
Prehistoric USA
March 10, 2011Road workers have discovered an ancient burial mound full of prehistoric treasures--in Indiana! When a bulldozer operator made off with some of it, he ended up in jail. When this prehistoric culture was discovered among the rolling hills of the... continued
Pole Shift Happening NOW
March 10, 2011The earth's magnetic field normally reverses about every 500,000 years. The last reversal was 800,000 years ago, and now the north magnetic pole is moving at the rate of 40 miles per year. Does this mean that the magnetic field... continued
Car Crash Astrology
March 9, 2011Astronomers have recently told astrologers that their readings were all wrong, because the gravitational pull of the moon has been interpreted the wrong way (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). On the IFA webnews site, Bob Graham says... continued
UFO Coverup–More Evidence
March 9, 2011If there is nothing to UFOs and no coverup, why would one of the countries most identified with it seek to prevent the UN from investigating UFOs? The recent release of UFO documents from British archives reveals that the UK... continued
Bizarre Animal Deaths Still Going On
March 9, 2011First it was birds falling out of the sky in Louisiana and Texas. Then hundreds of tiny crabs were found dead on a beach in England. Large numbers of dead fish were found washed up on beaches in Arkansas, Maryland... continued
Is Cuba Next?
March 9, 2011As we see so many home-grown revolutions taking place in the Middle East, Cuban dissidents and Cuban-American leaders have started to ask why Cubans haven’t followed the lead of oppressed populations in Egypt and Tunisia in overthrowing long-entrenched regimes. But... continued
New Car Problems
March 8, 2011Some new cars have special problems, including animal invasions. For instance, Mazda has had to recall 65,000 new cars because of an infestation of spiders in the hoses leading to their gas tanks. The newest all-electric car is the GM... continued