Not Over Yet

February 28, 2011
The explosion and fire on a BP-licensed oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) had huge environmental and economic effects, with millions of gallons of oil leaking into the... continued

The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript

February 25, 2011
The mysterious Voynich manuscript, housed at Yale University, has been thought to be a forgery by some scholars (none of whom have been able to decipher it) but recent radiocarbon testing shows that its parchment pages date to the early... continued

True Believers–In UFOs

February 25, 2011
Scientists deny that UFOs exist, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and the government keeps mum about the subject (maybe for a good reason!) But there are a surprising number of prominent people who believe they're real. The February... continued

Secrets Beneath a Lake

February 25, 2011
For 15 million years, a frozen lake has been hidden deep beneath Antarctica’s frozen crust, possibly concealing prehistoric or unknown (and perhaps dangerous) life. (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Now Russian scientists are on the getting ready... continued

It Could Happen Here

February 24, 2011
The 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand on Feb. 22 demonstrates the vulnerability of urban centers with important lessons for the US. And a 30 million ton block of ice sheared off a New Zealand glacier just minutes... continued

Cell Phones: Dangerous or Not?

February 24, 2011
Scientists have discovered that cell phone radiation "excites" the brain-- Just 50 minutes of cell phone radiation significantly affects brain function and metabolism of glucose (the brain's main fuel) in those parts of the brain that receive the most cell... continued

Polygamy Problems

February 24, 2011
Having more than one wife is a fantasy of many Western males, but polygamy in humans or elsewhere in nature isn't necessarily good for all the males involved. For instance, polygamy practiced by some 19th century Mormon men had the... continued

Warming Means More Weeds

February 23, 2011
With global warming comes increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which benefits at least one species: weeds. Carbon dioxide acts as a fertilizer to invasive exotic grasses, resulting in higher growth rates and larger leaves. These stronger plants... continued


February 23, 2011
They've glimpsed her on Google, and now ANOTHER "Nessie" has had her photo taken! A kayaker on England's Lake Windemere has taken an excellent photograph of the English Loch Ness Monster known to locals as "Bownessie." The strange humpbacked creature has... continued

Chat on Sat.!

February 23, 2011
Our first Saturday chat of 2011 (from 10 to 11 am Pacific) will be on February 26, when we will chat with William Henry about his incredible escape from Egypt! If YOU want to join us, subscribe today! continued